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Author Topic: axis runaway using pokeys55  (Read 5985 times)

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axis runaway using pokeys55
« on: December 01, 2012, 07:53:52 PM »
Has anyone had axis runaway using an MPG with Pokeys55?

I'm using a 5 position switch with a common ground to select axis' x, y, z & a. Position one is used for off. When I select position two for the x-axis, the indicator in Mach shows i'm jogging x & the x-axis will jog fine. However when I select the next position for the y-axis, Mach shows i'm jogging y but when I move the MPG the y-axis will move & then the x-axis starts to move & won't stop.

The MPG is connected as follows;
A - pin 1 on Pokeys
B- pin 2 on Pokeys
Gnd - gnd on Pokeys
V+ - to 5V on Pokeys
A- - N/C
B- - N/C

I used the filtering schematic in the Pokeys manual which consists of a 1k resistor in series with the pokeys pin & it is shunted to gnd through a 100nf capacitor. I tried it with & with out the filter & got the same results.

I also have a 4 x 4 matrix keypad & another rotary selector switch for the step increment & they work fine.

Offline NeoTO

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Re: axis runaway using pokeys55
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2012, 01:36:21 AM »
How did you configure the plugin? Was pendant mode enabled?
www.poscope.com home of PoKeys USB HID, IO, USB, Ethernet controler and PoScope USB PC oscilloscope
Re: axis runaway using pokeys55
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2012, 05:56:27 AM »

Offline NeoTO

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Re: axis runaway using pokeys55
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2012, 05:58:57 AM »
Please export the configuration so that I can see how is all configured.
www.poscope.com home of PoKeys USB HID, IO, USB, Ethernet controler and PoScope USB PC oscilloscope
Re: axis runaway using pokeys55
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2012, 06:48:22 PM »
I fixed the problem. I wiped out all of the cofiguration files & started from scratch. I think that if you disable an input without setting the button choice back to none before you write the configuration in Mach causes a problem.

Thanks for the help.