Few weeks ago I bought following set from Longs motor on Ebay:
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/280959828971?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649So Ive got:
* Nema34 1600 oz-inch steppers - with 4 wires: A+ red, A- green, B+ yellow, B- blue
* Dm860A Microstep drivers
* Power supply 350W 60V 5.85A
* Break out board with paraller cable connected to the laptop
I'm using Mach3 (demo for now) on Windows Xp Pro to control it.So far I wired only 1 axis using 1 power supply, 1 driver, 1 motor etc I did it according to this file you can find in attach
ments I set microsteping to 1/8
And here is my problem: The engine runs very rough and tends to jerk and stall. Changing Velocity and Acceleration in Mach3 doesn't help - believe me or not I've spent many days (and nights) trying different settings.To eliminate possible problems I've used other 3 motors, power supplies, rivers etc - problem still the same .So there is no problem with the set itself - I reckon.
I run mach3 Driver test but I don't know what to think about it - mean during the test most of the time program says: system stable,excelent and occasionally pulse too slow or too fast - but there is no test results on finish like on any other test programs - so I'm a bit confused in this matter too.
Here is a YT link wich shows how the engine spin:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzT4xWqqTKI&feature=youtu.beIs there any mistakes you reckon I made?? I have no more idea how to set it up to get better result
Any comments will be helpfull. Thanks Yaz