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Author Topic: Burny plasma table question  (Read 5165 times)

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Burny plasma table question
« on: December 24, 2012, 10:09:14 AM »
I have a friend who has a Burny plasma table with DC servo motors and encoders it works however it is a eye follower machine.  and my guess is the way to run it under mach 3 would be to use Gekos however the dc servo motors have 4 wires plus encoders  any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated  motor is Cleaveland Motion Control servo pak DC servo motor  model# MT2630-141AF  S/N 09055437  code date 0545   I have a few DC servos but they have only two power wires feeding the servos

any help would be greatly appreciated
archie =) =) =)
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Re: Burny plasma table question
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2012, 01:16:50 PM »
What you probably have are two wires for the servo motor and two wires for an internal potentiometer.  It could also be in internal tach or they could be steppers with encoders.  When you turn them do the cog or turn smooth.  If they cog, they are steppers.  

It may be easier to just replace the motors and encoders.  Motors are cheap.  Get a BOB, some geckos and motors and you're done.  We've retrofitted a few old tracer tables and found it easier and cheaper in the long run to just replace everything with what we know works rather than trying to make the older technology work.