The chargepump signal should have nothing to do with your ESTOP.
When a PC boots, it twiddles the outputs of a parallel port. This may cause outputs such as a spindle to momently turn on. The Chargepump output is there to tell the breakout board that Mach3 is running. THAT'S IT!
always have the chargepump in ESTOP box checked.
It is not there to be some sort of ESTOP protection. To rely on it for ESTOP protection is dangerous. If Mach3 runs off the rails, there is no guarantee that the charge pump will be removed , and there is no guarantee that mach3 will respoind to the ESTOP input.
You need to rely on external ESTOP circuitry as you are doing. The only purpose of the ESTOP input in Mach3 is to inform the software that an ESTOP has occurred and that it can rest easy while the operator sorts it out
As to the smoothstepper, the chargepump has no place as it is in total control of its outputs and won't be twiddling them while starting up.
As to the conflict between the SmoothStepper and the Pokeys I'm not sure what the answer is. Maybe run the wire to the Smoothstepper rsther than the pokeys?