Hello everyone. I have been building my cnc and I have successfully hooked up my spindle motor (SM2-C54) from Ekstrom-Carlson to a SKBD200110 Emerson Commander Sk VFD drive. The spindle and drive pretty well together although there were a few parameters to change to get it operational.
I am at the point I would like to hook up the drive to Mach3 control. I have found that the drive is Mod-bus compatible, and will also connect to computer via Ethernet also. I also have a rs-232 to rs-485 converter. Has anyone done this?
I would like to start and stop drive, also maybe monitor spindle load on screen and possibly control speed to. I do have digital inputs and outputs along with analogs for meters and such. So now is the question and to make this all handshake between each other.
Any help would be awesome.