hey everybody as u see i'm so new here ! :p i'm a poor electronic student
i need help & Advice from u bros and siss plz don't let me down :')
my professor asked me to do some things but i couldn't its about my gradution project .. my project title is " command de machine cnc " in french of course
hmmm he asked me simple things like making simple g-code examples but he didn't ask me if i no the g-code or not
i'm downloading books abt that can i get some help ? i want the g-code for a easy examples like a stright line on the X axes 0 on Y and 0 on Z , then another g-code program for a strght line on Y axe 0 in X and 0 on Z , then another strght line on Z axe . the last example is a circle in XY plan i guess ^^ idk how to do this really i will Appreciate that ^^
i hv a lap top wth no parallel port and i want to study the out going signals can i use a usb-parallel converter ? i want to no the form of the signals in each pin of the parallel port for each axe i want to no what pins are working wth X axes , Y axes and Z Axs is this possible ? i don't have an oscilloscope is there a way to make this study on simulation way like using ISIS protus or TINA ?
plllllllllllllllllllllllllzzzzzzzzzz helllllpppp mmmmmmeeeememememememememem