Good link Ian.
Here is info on the controller from Sherline's site and assume it is being used. Specifications, P/N 8760 Stepper Motor Driver
Power Supply:
Input: 100-240 VAC, 47-63 Hz, 3A (automatically adapts to incoming voltage)
Output: 24 VDC, 4A
∙ Logic high levels should be greater than 2 volts.
∙ Logic low should be less than 1/2 volt.
∙ Step pulses are active low.
∙ Step pulses should be at least 22 microseconds long.
∙ The lines labeled as EMC inputs or outputs can be disregarded in other systems.
∙ For use with software other than EMC, make sure your software addresses the correct I/O lines for step and direction as shown below.
Sherline is not able to provide assistance for other programs. For help with the EMC software, see∙ We recommend at least an 800 MHz Pentium class computer or faster for use with the frequency mode.
In operation, the power to the motors will be reduced to half current after 3 seconds of inactivity.
This can be changed to 1/4 power with a jumper on H1.