OK, all offsets are based on machine coordinates which is what you set when you reference the machine. When you fire Mach up do you jog to a known location and hit the reference all button? Setting your work coordinates 0 and your reference (machine) zero are 2 totaly different things.
OK, all offsets are based on machine coordinates which is what you set when you reference the machine. When you fire Mach up do you jog to a known location and hit the reference all button? Setting your work coordinates 0 and your reference (machine) zero are 2 totaly different things.
I don't mean to sound dense but I am now confused. I do the following and, until the problem starts, it usually gives the desired results:
1. Turn on the computer and drive electronics.
2. Turn the machine on.
3. Load Mach3.
4. Click Reset.
5. Mount the material in the desired location.
6. Jog the tool to where I want X0 and Y0.
7. Set the homing plate on the op of the material and clip to other circuit wire to the bit.
8. Click Ref All Home.
At this point the Z axis will descend until it touches the plate then back off slightly.
It is supposed to set the Z axis to the value in Home Offset for Z Home (+0.2300).
I then set X and Y to 0.
Currently it is setting the Z axis to some value like +2.3950 even though Z Home Offset is set to +0.2300.
I am unsure as to what a "known Location" is. I assume machine 0 is the position of the tool when the machine is at the limit of travel in the negative direction for each axis.
It appears that the program is using the values from the last known position before the crash as a base number and adding the value in home offset to it. Jogging to a position does not affect this behavior.