my name MightyMite, I 'm new to this site as I have asked mach3 for help on a problem, they weren't very helpful. So, I am importing from Fanuc post processor and it loads with no pause, all seems fine until there appears to be a duplicate string of commands in the text body. I switch to edit gcode and when I go to the erant string it's not there. I emailed Artsoft, they told me to look for an error message in the Help when the about box comes up but I fined nothing. I went back to the computer where I created the post and there's nothing out of the ordinary there. Need Help guys.
Oh yes, I am a long time machinest, started programing when the only thing around was a 2 1/2 axis machine with paper tape reader. This was back in 1971. No fancy CADCAM only paper, pencil and a knowledge of trig. for programing. Went from there to real 3 axis, still no CADCAM. Now I'm disabled, bought Town Labs 4 axis, want to get back into doing stuff to keep busy, I'm strickly a hobbiest with no interest in commerical machineing. I want to engrave and do jewelry in Turquoise, I want to learn sculpting figures on Turquoise. Also doing what is called Industrial Art, most likely in aluminum and brass.