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Author Topic: New people welcome !! Come in here and introduce your self!  (Read 4812679 times)

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Offline chad

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New people welcome !! Come in here and introduce your self!
« on: February 16, 2007, 04:05:02 PM »
I was noticing that as of this writing we have 2795 members and have only heard from a couple of hundred and an even smaller number of regular posters.

So if you are new around here please post and introduce your self.  You could give a little on your background, hobbies , how you ended up here, whatever!

This is a site to help with mach. There is a great talent pool here already but this is a community driven site and we would love to hear from the silent masses ;)

So stand up and say hi!!


« Last Edit: February 16, 2007, 04:43:49 PM by chad »
Re: New people welcome !! Come in here and introduce your self!
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2007, 05:45:25 PM »
I’m not new new, been around the forum for nearly a year
I am in the process of converting a Warco VMC to CNC control
The current status is that the controller has been build and only needs drives fitting
The machine is now under attack, currently machining the mounts for the motors.

I was born in Holland and moved to England somewhere in 94 for work ( headhunted)
My interest in CNC started long ago
As I helped a guy converting his lathe back in the mid 80 ties  (I did the mechanical work) He used BASIC and a Apple II for control while I was still at school.
Later at the Polytechnic they got a Deckel FPx CNC centre which got used by the teachers. We where kept a long way away from it. (the last 2 years there)
I then set of in a different direction (Stage lighting electronics) so for years no real contact with CNC.
Over the last 10 years I have been more involved in the overall product design.
And thus metalwork is back on my daily agenda, this is mainly sheet metal but I also design machined and moulded parts.
I bought the Warco VMC and a BH600 lathe a few years ago to be able to make special parts and prototypes for work. I also make parts for the observatory, which I have been building for the past 6 years.
My hope is to finish the mill this year along with an enclosure for it.
The next machine on the hit-list is either the Lathe or making a brake press (CNC needles to say)



Re: New people welcome !! Come in here and introduce your self!
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2007, 10:27:39 PM »
Hi my name is Benny, the dumb name I have as my forum name is benny spelt backwards. For some reason it has stuck.
I live In Melbourne Australia. I have been into CNC for a couple of years now, and love the fact that a personal computer can drive a CNC machine. Hence my involvement with Mach3.
I have built two CNC router tables now, and get a kick out of seeing a machine that I built, actually cut something. Its a constant thrill for me. ( But then again I am easily amused. )

Offline Graham Waterworth

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Re: New people welcome !! Come in here and introduce your self!
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2007, 07:54:25 AM »
Hi my name is Graham, I am an apprentice trained engineer and have worked 30 years in NC/CNC production, I started programming G-Code in 1978 when you had to make long paper tapes that had to be read and rewound for every run if the machine.

Over the years I have programmed 2,4,6 axis lathes, 3,4,5 axis mills and all sorts of other type machines.  Nowadays I tend to use CAM programs to do the hard work for me but still hand code things just to keep my hand in.

My first hobby CNC was a home built router, DOS based, it was rubbish,  later I retro fitted a Warco lathe to servo control under Mach3, I am now putting the final touches to a Boxford VMC190 mill that will also run with Mach3.

My other hobby is computer programming, I program in several languages and at a good level, but not in Arts league.

I live in West Yorkshire, England.
Without engineers the world stops

Offline zarzul

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Re: New people welcome !! Come in here and introduce your self!
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2007, 03:01:19 PM »
Hi all,

I am not very new but new enough.  I use mach3 as a hobby, just started hobby machining a year ago when I purchased a mini lathe.

I got started on CNC because I couldn't cut some of the different threads (metric) that I wanted to and I got real tired of turning those handles.  I am facinated by the machines abilities after converting it.  I then bought a mini mill and converted it also.  I built my own drivers, power supplies and interfaces, designed and built my mounting and drive configurations. 

I enjoy the friendship and community of the forums, everyone is so helpful with even the greenist of users.

My background is a former navy nuc sub sailor, electronics technician and now instrument supervisor in a coal fired generating station.
Never touched a machine before my hobby.

Another of my hobbies is scuba diving and I have been building underwater high intensity lights and video camera housings.  I sell some of these to support the machining monkey on my back. 

Re: New people welcome !! Come in here and introduce your self!
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2007, 09:07:40 PM »
My name is Marcel Beaudry .Maintenance machinist since 1970 ,always need to do some things different ,preparing fossils ,engraving ,sculpture ,faceting stones ,if i had money people would call me eccentric now they just call me crazy . Always love to see what our ancestors did and by what means they did it . Worked on a cnc two years loved it because i could read for hours while the machine did the work .
Self introduction from danfour10
« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2007, 01:31:10 AM »
Hello, thank you for the warm invitation.
  The bulk of my work history involves heavy equiptment, hydraulics,fabrication.I've learned quite a bit with computers in the last 10 years at home,or at least about computer assembly and maintenance and the like.I've worked and played pretty hard and spent alot of money to tear myself up physically pretty good thus far.I don't get to work or play hard like I used to so I've been keeping busy at play indoors for the most part.I am now a schoolbus mechanic. I found a Grizzly G0516 lathe/mill in the local classifieds from a man that works for the nearby Grizzly Store in Bellingham,WA.I haven't spent much time with my machine yet as my rented shop is some miles from home.I have been and continue to read and study as much as I can about converting the mill portion of this combo to CNC.I have most things purchased and sitting here while a CNCBridges.com base is being made for me,I am very exited about this base for my mill.I bought the Xylotex 4 axis setup complete(pretty close anyway) with a free 425oz/in upgrade from the 269's.I'm not sure that was the best decision to go with the higher torque but it'll work or he wouldn't have offered them.I have purchased Mach,Rhino and Dolphin level 3 and figure that'll keep me busy for years at this pace.When I called Art about purchasing Mach he suggested I try it before buying which of course made me buy Mach immediately as he clearly had MY best interest in mind.Can't go wrong there!I  have ALOT to learn about all of this and don't quite get it yet but I'm filled with dreams. Mach3 is the best bargain I've made thus far,it's power to cost ratio is beyond fair.With that being said I'm sure it'll be a while before I'm able to give back to this community and likely will require a bit of help from my postings here and abroad.
Re: New people welcome !! Come in here and introduce your self!
« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2007, 09:51:51 PM »

Offline chad

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Re: New people welcome !! Come in here and introduce your self!
« Reply #8 on: March 02, 2007, 01:40:42 PM »
Thank you all for posting.

It is interesting to see the varied backgrounds of some of the mach users here.

Keep it up!

Re: New people welcome !! Come in here and introduce your self!
« Reply #9 on: March 03, 2007, 10:25:30 AM »
My name is Greg and I live in Alberta Canada, I have been a running CNC machines for 12 years now, and I'm a Interprovincial Certified General Machinist.  We moved from Ontario to Alberta a year ago, I did my apprenticeship in Ontario and most of my experience is in the tool and die/mold industry making tools for the auto industry now in Alberta, I am making parts for the oil industry.

I own a K2 CNC router Kt-2514 and I have plans on making a large router in the next while and would like to add a 4th axis to my router I am currently using. I have a small business that I am trying to run, maybe one day I can do it full time.

I know many different CNC languages Fanuc, Heidenhein, Fidia, and a few others also many CAM softwares such as Powermill, Work NC, Prospector, Lemoine and Mastercam. When I first came to Alberta I started working for a company that fixed CNC machines but there was too much travel involved so I didn't stay with that company. Now I am in a shop running a DaeWoo Ace H100 boring mill using Mastercam it seems like a good place to work they have very good tooling. 

I enjoy drawing, woodcarving, snowboarding and mountain biking. I love CNC and I have benefited greatly from this site and all the people here.

"Ideas have consequence" Ravi Zaccharias