Well been a busy time the last week so not got as far as I would have liked but have made some progress.
I talked to Sean at BobCAD regarding the issues I had with the tool holders and never really got any resolutions.
It does seem that you can assign the tool holders with the dotted circles
but not as per the instructions in help or at least that is my impression.
Regarding the facing operations it seems BobCAD will rotate and mirror the tool holder and it seems that will not change. Why they do it I have no idea and when I asked I never got an answer that seemed to be clear. The answer I got was
It is rotated in accordance to how the tool is rotated for the operation in the background.
Which means nothing to me other than it seems to be saying, thats the way we do it and its staying that way
but may mean something to others, so if it does please expand for me
Now I can see no reason for rotating the tool holder at all, I have seen lathes that hold external tools along the Z although it is much more common to hold along X, but in either case if using the same tool for a facing and turning operation I see no reason for the CAM software to rotate and mirror as that is in my mind defeating the purpose of any collision checking as I do not know of any lathe that will automatically rotate and mirror the physical tool holder
BobCADlatheToolHolderSim - YouTubeAnyway its not a huge deal, just an annoyance, as the collision detection is of more benefit in internal working rather than external and that should, and seems to work well
However I have just found a way I can get round this idiosyncratic way BobCAD is doing things, seems it is possible to have two tool set up to the same tool number and offset and as long as you call them different names they are easily distinguished when selecting tools (see attached pic) So far it seems to work fine as can be seen in the following video, I have also left the original facing operation (second operation) where I selected the same tool as finish turning so you will see what I was meaning regarding the rotating and mirroring of the holder.
I have also deliberately put a large X lead on the boring op so you can see the tool collide with the hole to see how collision detection can really help with internal operations.
I really am liking BobCAD Lathe and although it has some weird ways of doing things it does seem to be overall very good and produces good toolpaths once you figure a few things out.