Been running mach2 (4.x) since '07 with very few problems. About 2 weeks ago, I started to notice that when loading a gcode file, occasionally it kind of hung up or took twice as long to load. Everything worked once it was loaded. Starting last week, when I try to load a g-code file, it crashes and says mach1.exe must close. Then, 1 or 2 minutes later, I get a blue screen of death that says"process has locked pages". Am running windows xp home, no internet on the computer, some cad and office programs. NO hardware or software changes were made to the computer although I do notice some keyboard errors that appear not to be fatal every once in a while. Tried to read a bunch of stuff and at least I can avoid the blue screen by running the ocx.exe program twice after mach2 crashes. Changed keyboards and re-installed mach2 with no changes. Today, I figured out I can load a g-code program from the button that says "recent" files (I always name the programs a,b or c.nc). If I try and load the same program from the "new" button it crashes mach2. I did notice that the first line in the program is usually :0000, maybe this is with my particular setup, I don't know. Sometimes it says O0000 (a capital o instead of a colon). This doesn't affect the crashing behavior, but it is funny.