Thank you again.
What I have observed is I when have Z home enabled in Ports and Pins and Z Auto Zero enabled in Homing/Limits with X and Y Auto Zero DISABLED in Homing/Limits allows me to home the axis wherever I desire without the x and y axis moving.
So I wrote a script which replaces Hiddenscript.m1s to operate RefAll. The first section of the script is exactly what was there originally and the second part is supposed to set the values in Machine Coord, work offset, and current position to zero.
It should work but as of yet is does not seem to. I don't know if it is because of a problem in the script or if in version of Mach3, R3.042.038.
I cannot at this time build and test a upgrade to Mach3 because I need to use the system. Later on I may be able to build a newer system.
Here is the script:
DoButton( 24 )
DoButton( 23 )
DoButton( 22 )
DoButton( 25 )
Xaxis = 0
Yaxis = 1
Zaxis = 2
Const XaxisMultiFunctionOEMDRONum = 800
Const YaxisMultiFunctionOEMDRONum = 801
Const ZaxisMultiFunctionOEMDRONum = 802
SetOEMDRO(XaxisMultiFunctionDRONum, 0.0000)
SetOEMDRO(YaxisMultiFunctionDRONum, 0.0000)
SetOEMDRO(ZaxisMultiFunctionDRONum, 0.0000)
Thank you again!