Ok, So I am posting this from work, and I want to add that I will be posting a video later so you can actually see my problem.
So first of all, I am not even sure where to post this thread, so if it needs to be moved please do so, but I figured its all over the place, so General was the place to start.
So I am a newb at this, but I think I am far enough a long that I shouldnt be running into this, and I am hoping its obvious to someone.
I cant tell if the problem is in BobCad or in mach 3, or maybe in the post processor.
the Short version is:
I draw a box in bob cad, I make a recess in the block and run a simulation and everything looks perfect on Screen. I "post and Save" the Gcode in bobCad, open it in MAch 3, and everything loads fine. but when I switch to the Tool View, I see the box I made, but the recess toolpath is about 10-20mm beside the stock.
The long version: (I was following this as a guide
- Open a new project in BobCad.
- draw a 100mm x 100mm block (centered)
- Draw a 50mm x 50mm Block.
- translated the part to x,y zero.
highlighted all of the pieces, and then clicked on the piece to zero it.
- next I picked stock geometry and shift selected the outside box.
- next I selected the tool path and selected pocketing
- I select the geometry
- Click Finish
- I click compute toolpath.
- I click Verify
once I am here everything seems to work visually.
so I click Post and save and store the file on the HD.
So now when I head over to mach3, I open it and move over to the tab and look at the work. I see a purple box, and a toolpath thats over to the right of the stock where its going to build the pocket.
and thats where I am confused. I dont understand where it all got confused. I have tried it 2 different ways , once with the centering, and once with just leaving it as is.
and in both cases it appears this way.
I should mention that everything is set up for Metric, so there is a chance that something is getting screwed up, but OH GOD, I dont want to re-confirgure everything for SAE
I hope to post the video tonight, of me running through the process, but I figured maybe someone might know the problem without seeing the video.