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Author Topic: Cannot control 3040 spindle with M3/M5. Are my settings correct?  (Read 6829 times)

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Offline B3030

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Cannot control 3040 spindle with M3/M5. Are my settings correct?
« on: December 10, 2013, 09:42:37 PM »
I'm new to the forum but have searched and found no similar topics
I run a YooCNC 3040 engraver with a registered copy of Mach 3 Version R3.043.066.  The controller has the "NT65-3X" control board and a "PW3024" power supply/spindle control board.

It's been running good for a year to cut ABS and etch PCBs.  But I have always had to control the spindle manually.  I really want to have GCode spindle control.

I use a simple DC engraver motor (no VHD?).  My settings are as follows:

Output Signals Engine Configuration... Ports & Pins

   Motor Outputs
         Enabled - Checked
         Step Pin # - ?   Does this need to be set?  To what?
         Dir Pin # - ?   Does this need to be set?  To what?
         Step Port # - ?   Does this need to be set?  To what?
         Step Port # - ?   Does this need to be set?  To what?
   Output Signals
      Output #1
         Enabled- checked
         Port #- 1
         Pin Number - 1
         Active Low - not checked

   Spindle Setup
      Relay Control
         Disable Spindle Relays - not checked
      Motor Control
         Use Spindle Motor Output - Checked
         PWM Control - Checked
         Step/Dir Motor - not checked
         PWM Base Freq - 5 (default)
         Minimum PWM - 10%

This YooCNC control box has a switch on the back for "H" (hand RPM control via pot of front) or "M" (machine control via M3/M5).  I never could figure out spindle control so I always run it in "H".  Now I want to get the "M" mode working.


Do the Output Signals Engine Configuration... Ports & Pins>Motor Outputs>Spindle fields need to be filled in if I want to use PWM Spindle Control? Para says this is checked automatically depending on whether the  Output Signals Engine Configuration... Ports & Pins>Spindle Setup>Motor Control Use Spindle Motor Output is checked.  This is checked even if I want to use PWM Control.  What would I use to fill in the Step and Dir Pin and Port fields

Since I want to run the Spindle via GCode, shouldn't the Output Signals Engine Configuration... Ports & Pins>Spindle Setup>Relay Control> Disable Spindle Relays box not be checked?  Am I right here?

As I'm trying to get this figured out, do I need to input M3 and an "S" speed code every time i want to try it?  Could i just use Spindle Toggle on the Diagnostics screen to make a quick check?

I appreciate any comments and suggestions.

Re: Cannot control 3040 spindle with M3/M5. Are my settings correct?
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2014, 12:09:39 PM »
I have exactly the same problem, but unfortunately nobody has answered until now.

Could somebody help us?

Thanks and greetings from Finland,

Offline B3030

  •  25 25
Re: Cannot control 3040 spindle with M3/M5. Are my settings correct?
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2014, 05:52:18 PM »
I still haven't worked out how to get spindle speed control of this YOOCNC controller with Mach3.

I resorted to adding a Solid State Relay (SSR) inline between the power supply and spindle jack.  I control it with one of the un-used Output pins on a header below the Parallel port jack.  Let me know if you want more details about how I connected it.

Re: Cannot control 3040 spindle with M3/M5. Are my settings correct?
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2015, 05:04:31 PM »
Hi All,

Just joined the Mach 3 Support Group.

I am having the same issue. Anyone solve this? I am in communication with the vendor as well to see if they have a solution (if there is one).

Good News: Received my 3040 CNC with 800W VFD Motor few days ago. I Got X,Y,Z communication with Mach 3 to work.

Bad New: Mach 3 software is not able to turn on/off the spindle or control it. Or even give me a read out on the RPM.
So far I can only control it manually from the inverter. The inverter gives me a Frequency Digital Display (Hz readout though that I can convert to RPM)

Thank you,

« Last Edit: June 24, 2015, 05:09:52 PM by zj4041 »