G41/G42 work fine while in G54, regardless of what the offsets are. I think this is because G54 is the default coordinate system, so there is less going on internally.
This is what I was theorising so I'll have to give it a go.
We get tools sharpened, and never really know what size tool might be in the machine. With radius comp, it doesn't matter. I can pro0gram a part tomorrow, and cut it next year, and it will cut correctly regardless of what size too is in the machine.
If you look back at my history, that is my experience too. I was working with fairly high precsion metal parts and radcomp could be used to get the final bit of accuracy as well as allowing the use of resharpens without having to reprogram.
Going from G55 to G54 doesn't "reset" anything, it changes to a different coordinate system with a different origin.
My undersatnding us that by programming "G55 X5 Y3" these two values are stored in parameters 5242 and 5243 respectively and this condition becomes current.
Thus, when programming a block such as "G0 X10 Y10" the control adds these stored values to the commands such that it moves to a machine coordinate 'real world' position of X15 Y13. The DRO's show X5 Y3.
What I have been doing is, at the end of the program, programming G54 (which has values of X0,Y0 in parameters 5222 and 5223) to return programming to, effectively, machine coords and in my terminolgy, resetting the coordinate system to machine coordinates. Certainly G54 appears on the status line ( as it does when you first load Mach3) and the DRO's show machine values again. With G54 current, no offset values are added to the axis commands, or at least a value of zero is added so it amounts to the same thing.
Can you see a problem here?
Not sure if you follow me, as it's a bit difficult to explain.
Sort of but in any case, in a robust program, it shouldn't happen. I have had a kind of similar experience in that I machined a simple rectangle using origin offsets and radcomp and it ran perfectly but the next job ran once and then went crazy.
I've seen another instance where the toolpath just veered off and traveled away from the part in a very large arc.
This is what I've been getting - lots of big loopy arcs in white which make no sense whatever that I can see.
Also when it worked properly the 'crosshairs' which show the origin behaved as expected but when it played up, the crosshairs were at a point way off the table at a negative X and Y position while it was drawing a 'shadow' version* of the part at a position in a positive X and Y position with big loops around it.
I say 'shadow' because this part outline was in grey which I think is the compensated path colour(?) None of it made much sense.
*This was after showing a part in the correct position in blue - before radcomp was invoked.