Art, Brian, and Jason.
Many thanks to the work on Flash Screen Integration!
I just played with some of Jason's Screens
And if anyone wants a conformation of how good these guys are!
Just take an hour to play with some of the Flash Screens! will give you an adrenaline rush just thinking of the
possibility's they can come up with in the future versions of Mach.
I Wish Every program had this level of customization features built in to there product.
Some people would pay $159.00 just to add the custom feature
Bet you master scam (i mean cam) would charge $1500.00 for this feature!
Any way the next time you all get frustrated because a there is a problem with Mach,
Or you have been waiting for a plug-in to be finished that is long over due.
Look at what things they are giving us for our measly $159.00 we complain about having to pay!
All others would rape us on and take us to the cleaners!!!!!
Just for the level of support they are giving us !!!!!
Any Way
Thanks for the Dedication
and hard work you Apply to
Mach Programing and Support!