I too cannot disable rotational soft limits. The check box Rotational Soft Limits from Config/General Logic/Rotational pane goes into the XML as ROTSOFT, but Mach3 regardless of the checkbox and ROTSOFT, does soft limits on A. I went thru all the ~12 posts here about the rotational soft limit issue. On some posts, the checkbox Rotational Soft Limits seems to work, on other posts it does not work.
My Mach3 for this issue is versions R3.042.033, R3.042.038, R3.042.040 and R3.043.066. I also did the usual things with the XML: removed ROTSOFT, added RotSoft, varied every conceivable parameter in the Config menus, without any result. This is a test system without actual CNC, even without parallel port. The PROFILE is attached. We need Soft Limits turned on for the X Y Z axes.
Of course I can do infinity limits on A, up to +36500000.00, -36500000.00 (five zeros, a hundred thousand turns). But six zeros are too much, giving a Max<Min status message.
I thank you in advance for help.