Hey peeps,
I've done a lot of work on my small 1000x600mm CNC router these last few days and during that last stretch of work it started freaking out. All of a sudden the Y motor starts going into random directions I tell it to go forward and it goes forward, and backwards and backwards and forwards...After a bit of fiddling I take out the breakout board, figure out where that motor is connected and I see that the part where it's screwed in has been burning. Thankfully I got it working and managed to finish the job.
Another thing is, my little router was rated 2000mm/min by the manufacturer but I can only get it to run around 800mm/min consistently. At first it works fine but after a few minutes the motors start stalling. At first I assumed that the motors just couldn't handle it but now I have a new theory...since it is manufacturer rated for 2000mm and it can perform like that for a while before they start stalling AND since I am having electronics problems I am guessing that the electronics are near death. So I guess when I try to get it to run at 2000mm the electronics just can't deliver enough power to the motors consistently cause they're old and worn out.
So I've decided to beef up my CNC by:
- Replacing the breakout board
- Adding limit switches on X, Y, Z
- Adding an estop button
- Adding one of those probes for setting the z zero (toolsetter probes or what)
- Adding a pendant
Right, so what's the problem then ? Why am I opening this thread ?
Well...I don't know a lot about CNC electronics so I thought I'd question a higher authority instead of buying a bunch of stuff and finding it doesn't work.
At first I thought that i would only need to buy a breakout board and plug my CNC motors and the rest of the stuff in, since my current router only has a single board where everything is connected (everything being the motors since it doesn't have limit switches and the spindle is a router that's manually turned on).
But (thankfully) I then did a bit of research and think that I may need a driver for each of the motors. Is that the case ?
My Y and X motors are VEXTA 2 Phase motors, 2A each and the Z motor is 1.2A
I don't know the voltage of the steppers, does it matter ?
The whole premise seems simple enough, and please correct me if I'm wrong but from what I know...plug power from transformer to the new breakout board, plug drivers into breakout board, plug parallel cable into computer. Add the rest of the stuff (estop, probe, limits) into the breakout board and configure all the pins in Mach3. Am I missing something ?
I also haven't figured out where to buy the breakout board, drivers and limit switches. I've looked around ebay and found some stuff but I'm not sure if it's any good or if it will even work together:
http://www.ebay.com/itm/USB-5-Axis-CNC-Breakout-Board-Interface-Adapter-For-Stepper-Motor-Driver-/321133023129?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4ac5050f99http://www.ebay.com/itm/CNC-Single-Axis-TB6560-3-5A-Two-Phase-Hybrid-Stepper-Motor-Driver-Controller-/321170671199?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4ac743865fWould this work ?
Forgot to include images: