So I set up my connection to my G540 and modified Mach3 and I got no reading at all on my spindle reading.
I had a digital out from my Arduino going directly into a Pin 1 which is the DB25 pin 10, and everything else is the same, basically my motors are connected, and working and nothing else.
I am wondering if there is anything I am missing.
I confirmed that I had a high low output from my digital output pin on my arduino.
All I really did was went into Mach, ports and pins, went to index.
I set it to Port 1 and Pin 10 and applied and rebooted my machine.
No results, meaning the spindle never changed from 0.
So I played with the other settings, emulated and active low, tried all combos and still nothing.
Any ideas? I know this is not the right way to do this, but what I am doing should simulate a digital optical or hall sensor, so I assume I need to work this out to get the right solution to work as well.