I'm (trying) to run a real simple G-Code of a rectangle. I put my part in the jig, get my work offset and make my first cut- everything seems fine. I have about 60 of the same parts to cut so, I want to be sure they will all be the same so, I try to run the code again (on the part I just cut) and the X & Y axis have shifted (I would say about .125") to the negative axis. In other words, I am now cutting too much on 2 sides of the rectangle (and not enough on the other 2 sides (I hope that makes sense).
At first I thought there was something funky with my code- so I checked and rechecked but, I don't think that's it (it's a frigging rectangle, there's not that much I can screw up). I've tried re-referencing to Mach Coord Zero but, that didn't help. It's the same story every time. First cut is OK, then things start shifting.
The motors don't sound like they are missing steps but, with the router runing I could just not be hearing it?
Anybody have any ideas on what might cause this? Thanks in advance!