Another thing to try is this.
Go into the PC Bios, and disable C1E or EIST if you have them. This allows Mach3 to run much better on some multi core PC's.
However, most 1600oz steppers are very slow. Ebay is flooded with them, and I see this all the time. People buy them, thinking bigger is better. In actual use, a 450oz Nema 34 will often run a router at 5x faster than a 1600oz motor.
I disabled C1E and I think that did the trick.
Now I'm running 4000 per min with no problems.
This is more than double of what I was getting earlier.
It can go probably up to 5000 per min but for my steppers this is more than enough.
Thanks a lot to everyone.
This is one of the best communities and people here certainly know what they talking about.
Thanks a lot again