I've salvaged some parts from 2 inkjet printers:
Fuji Faldic-w driver RYC201DC3 VVT2 + motor GYS201DC2 T2C w/ 17bit encoder (200W, input 200-230V@3.4A)
Fotek SSR-25 DA (25A/250V) input:3-32VDC, output: 24-380VAC
Panasonic Minas driver MSDA043A1A + motor MSMA042A1G w/ 2500 P/r encoder (400W, input 200-230V@1.8A)
Delta Electronics 20DBAG5 EMI filter (250V/20A 250V/16AHPF)
Delta Electronics 06GEEG3E line filter (6A)
I'd like to test if they work, but I'm not sure if I should power them on without other required components in the power supply chain.
Fuji requires circuit breaker/Earth leakage circuit breaker, AC reactor and power filter. Panasonic requires "Non-Fuse Breaker" (probably simple automatic circuit breaker), noise filter, magnetic contactor (probably relay), and reactor. I've found all the missing components on ebay, but price is too high if it turns out that motors/drives do not work.
Can I connect drives directly to 220V AC power supply, and check if they work without burning them?