Hi Bruce(other)
>>Well, in the last 48 hours I have become pretty familiar with rereredoing things. (BTW Art - Darwin installs files 1 directory too deep for Mach4 to find).
Thx, I will check that, Brian makes the installs so Ill ask him to redo it if it installs wrong on mine.
>>I have a StarTech PCI add on parallel port in an old Compaq machine running Win XP SP3. I can drill via Start/ Control panel/ System/ Hardware tab/ Device Mgr/ Ports/ PCI Parallel (LPT1)/ Propertys/ Resources to get my Hex address (AC00),...
Sounds right.
>>then I can open Mach4/ Configure/ Plugins where I activate Darwin, then configure it (my pulse waterfall looks fine - even at the 75K limit).
Sounds good as well.
>>On port 1 I tell it the address (which it immediately revises to "0Xac00"), and I enable it.
>>Then on the Motor Config tab I set the port/ pin data & enable the first three (Art - why does the motor selection come up highlighted, but it does not save feeble attempts to rename them?).
Are you running this config from inside Mach4? Darwins config will only be remembered if run from the Mach3 setup menu..
If Im undertsanding you, its because you cannot rename motors. They remain as motor0, 1 2 ..etc.. Otherwise confusion could get bad between m4 and darwin as m4 considers many things
in terms of motor number.
>>Then on the Input Siganl tab, I change Signals 3,4 & 5 to Home X, Y & Z respectively. Then I wander thru the other tabs looking for some rock I didn't reset.
>>Then it does not work. Then I test it with a multimeter to prove it's still not working. Then I reinstall the driver, take a nap, and start again.
If you press on a home switch does it show up on the ports page as raw port data toggleing? If, for example the home X is on pin 10, does pin 10 toggle in the raw data wniow when you press
that switch? Best to make sure the port address is OK by checking a ouple of inputs. Check they toggle the LEDs when you press them on the ports page. Then, if that works the port is ok, so check the
state LED on the actual input pin setup, does that toggle? Let me know where the failure is at.
>>The one ray of sunshine is that when futzing with the port settings tab in the properties dialog, if I change the inerupt settings & save, the only motor I have set up (X) turns a few degrees. Were it not for this, I would be a COMPLETE failure.
I take it this is in some dialog for the printer port card? Darwin doesnt set interrupts so I imagein this is some setting of the card?
Let me know and we'll see how it reacts..