thanks for your Answer!
I have send you an e-mail with the xml file so you can try to replicate!
I hope you will find out the reason for this issue.
When you like to get an error log tell me!
Cause the machine stay on an company and i can only do this over an remote conection.
When you wrote about an DOS window please descripe it how i have to use your loging mecanism because i havn´t used before!
One monre question:
I read in other topics about to connect an MPG too!
So why it is so important to connect the MPG directly over hard/soft encoder on the DSPMC?
You wrote that mach3 generates the commanded motion and the DSPMC wil follow the position stream!
Why i ask:
I work normaly with Siemens 804D Solution Line Controlls and SINAMICS Drives!
They use an Machine Conroll Pannel too ant the MPC is for Example only an part of the Controll not more (Without look up for Safety)
So this is the reason wy i like to use the Pokey and the KBD48CNC and in future an MPG over Pokey.
This way is an very comfortable way to keep the outlay of wiring small.