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Author Topic: 32 bit win 7  (Read 9091 times)

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Offline Jim P

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32 bit win 7
« on: June 21, 2014, 04:41:13 PM »
I've looked and not found a specific answer to my question. seems everyone is looking for the 64 bit answer. I down graded the win 7 I had to XP and installed a P port card. Can I go to a win 7 32 Bit and still have the Mach3 work as it does now. I don't use the PC for anything other than Mach3, solitaire and a big calculator. No internet connection. I hear a rough noise from the HD after its been running for a couple of hours so I'm sure a new HD is in the future and thought I'd go with win 7. I'm not sure there is a reason to drop XP other than the hype of your computer will explode if you keep XP on it. Should I just leave it as is. It works fine. Well, with the exception I will need a new HD sooner or later. So I guess my real question is if XP in its current config will work fine after a new HD should I even worry about win 7?

Offline Tweakie.CNC

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Re: 32 bit win 7
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2014, 04:35:00 AM »
You know what they say "if it ain't broke, don't fix it"

If you have a stable running system (XP or Win7) then, unless there is something specific that you can't do with it, why change ?


Offline Jim P

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Re: 32 bit win 7
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2014, 01:54:57 AM »
Just trying to take care of what I think is going to end up being a dead HD and the problems I might run into reinstalling every thing on the new HD. Not sure if I could find all the drivers I need. Not exactly sure what the discontinued support by MS will do to me trying to reload them.

Offline Tweakie.CNC

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Re: 32 bit win 7
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2014, 02:08:44 AM »

Why not just buy another HD and copy to it everything from your old HD before it croaks ?

Re: 32 bit win 7
« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2014, 03:50:18 AM »
Hi there,
I had some concerns about my old XP machine, ongoing reliability etc.
I bought a single board computer based on Atom processor and have installed 32bit Windows Embedded Standard 7.
To date have had no probs running Mach3, in fact it seems to run better. My XP machine would not run the pulse
engine above 45 kHz without going cranky. The Atom machine runs at 100kHz with less jitter than the XP machine
at 25 kHz.
I think that the (hopefully) more reliable newer machine with SSD and embedded OS is worth the effort/expense.

'I enjoy sex at 73.....I live at 71 so its not too far to walk.'

Offline Jim P

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Re: 32 bit win 7
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2014, 03:41:26 AM »
tweakie, My response to your message ....... Doh! I don' know why the thought didn't occur to me. Old age I guess. LOL

Craig. For some reason I was under the impression that Win 7 platforms wouldn't run Mach3. Don't know where I got that either.
Re: 32 bit win 7
« Reply #6 on: July 19, 2014, 02:47:03 AM »
Hi Jim,
Mach3 certainly runs under Windows 7, 32 bit if you wish to use PP. I should add a note of caution tho, I have installed Windows Embedded Standard 7 (WES7).
It is based on the same code as the retail version of Windows 7. WES7 however allows you to install only the code you require for your application.

When I first installed the WES7 OS I installed it as 'compatibility mode' which includes everything you would expect in retail Windows 7. It ran Mach3 fine
but I did not have it hooked up to my machine so there may well of been quirks which didn't show on the driver test or on the oscilloscope I hooked up
to the PP.

More recent installs of the OS I have left out a number of code components, things like Media Player and IE. I am very happy with testing (driver test, oscilloscope
and machine test). Despite leaving chunks of code out the OS is still 1.8 gig, so hardly a slim installation. I think most XP users would be shocked at the amount
of code in Windows 7. The install wizard (IBW) that accompanies WES7 has a dependency checker. So if you want to install a given component, lets say IE graphics
engine then you must install IE Foundation for it to work. The checker automatically includes the required code. It turns out that a lot of code gets included this
way. It does not make for a minimal install. There are options for a minimum install but you lose things like the Control Panel and Windows Explorer. I want those
'creature comforts' so didn't persue the minimum options. All in all WES7 install and deployment is a breeze. XP Embedded is a much more difficult proposition.

The real advantage of WES7 and a new single board computer is reliability. WES7 will be around for many years to come thanks to its intended use as an embedded
OS worked into a bewildering array of devices from supermarket kiosks to automobile systems and even washing machines!. Likewise the computer hardware will
be around for a long time and depending on the maker the components used are for reliable industrial situations.

'I enjoy sex at 73.....I live at 71 so its not too far to walk.'

Offline Jim P

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Re: 32 bit win 7
« Reply #7 on: July 20, 2014, 04:34:19 PM »
Thanks joeaverage for the info
Re: 32 bit win 7
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2016, 01:40:21 AM »
I hooked up my stepper motors and configured Mach 3 with the motors on the bench i ran a Mach 3 wizard program and the z axis motor run smooth and quite but the x and y motors chatter when the first start up and when they stop and change rotation direction. I double checked my 8 switch 5056D drivers they are set per instructions.
I'm running the mach3 demo software .
Anybody have an idea what's is wrong