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Author Topic: Auto Tool Changer Help  (Read 8236 times)

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Re: Auto Tool Changer Help
« Reply #10 on: July 20, 2014, 07:07:12 AM »

Thanks for reply and macro, the ATC is an eight position one, also could you attach the file so I can copy it into Mach. Reading the Mach manual it says place macro in Operator/macro file, but on my Mach turn when I click on Operator there is no macro file?
As I mentioned I am a fish out of water when it comes to this area I know it’s asking a lot but could you give me a step by step guide to installing the macro and writing the g code to operate the tool changer.



Offline mc

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Re: Auto Tool Changer Help
« Reply #11 on: July 20, 2014, 06:23:56 PM »
Modified file is attached for an 8 position tool changer.

The only bit you'll need to change is the Input and Output you'll be using. There is one place where the Output will need changed, and two places where the Input will need changed.
The file will need copied to <mach3install folder>/macros/<folder named the same as the current mach profile you're using>/ (there should already be various macros in it)

You'll need to change theTool Change (top left) setting in General Config... to AutoTool Changer, so the M6 macros are used.
In your G-Code or MDI, you then simply call Txxnn where xx is the tool position, and nn are the tool offsets from the tool table.
For example T0101 will call tool position 1, along with offsets 1, whereas T0106 would call tool position 1, but with tool table offsets for tool 6.

You can use just Txx, which means the same number is used for tool position and offsets i.e. T01 is the same as T0101, however I prefer to use the full version.
Re: Auto Tool Changer Help
« Reply #12 on: July 21, 2014, 08:40:39 AM »

Thank you very much for the macro and info, I have a lot on for the next few days so won't be able to try setting it up, will let you know how I get on


Re: Auto Tool Changer Help
« Reply #13 on: July 27, 2014, 08:14:18 AM »
I have several questions,
Tried coping your macro file into the macro folder of Mach Turn, but there is a file of the same name already, as I am unable to open them I can’t compare, have attached current file maybe not relevant then can delete?
You mention I need to change the Input and Output I will be using , could you explain, also how do I open, what program will understand the file extension .m1s.
As I understand in G code I don’t need to prefix M6 Txx, just the Txx
I have added an x to file name as can't attach same file name!!
Its fish and water again!!!!

« Last Edit: July 27, 2014, 08:16:01 AM by mikemill »

Offline mc

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Re: Auto Tool Changer Help
« Reply #14 on: July 28, 2014, 12:41:39 PM »
The macro that's already in the folder will be the generic one that gets installed whenever you create a new profile. You could just delete, but it's probably safer to rename it to something else for now or move it to another folder.

Regarding the Inputs and Outputs, you'll need to configure the relevant signals in Ports and Pins, on the Input Signals and Output Signals respectively. I've just realised that there are only 4 inputs available, but I doubt you'll of used any.
For editting the file, you can use the default windows notepad (if you open the Open... in the menu, near the bottom of the screen that pops up, change the drop-down box from Text Documents (*.txt) to all files - when saving, you'll need to ensure the same box is changed so you don't get .txt added to the end of the file name), or alternatively double click the file click choose program before selecting Notepad.
Re: Auto Tool Changer Help
« Reply #15 on: July 29, 2014, 05:11:22 AM »
Have managed to open the macro and note your comments line by line, but it’s not making much sense to me, not sure what I should edit?
Re configuring Mach I am in contact with CNC4PC as using their breakout board.
Am reading the Mach manual trying to get my head around what I need to do? As all I need is a 2 sec +5v pulse to trigger the relay in the ATC
I am getting there slowly!!!


Offline mc

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Re: Auto Tool Changer Help
« Reply #16 on: July 30, 2014, 12:58:53 PM »
Within the macro Input10 is used twice, and Output10 is used once.

Once you have connected your toolchanger to the BOB, you need to map the pins used, using the ports and pins menu, to a free input and a free output. You then need to go through the macro, and change Input10 to whatever input you picked in ports and pins, and do the same for Output10.
Re: Auto Tool Changer Help
« Reply #17 on: December 10, 2015, 11:25:27 AM »
Modified file is attached for an 8 position tool changer.

The only bit you'll need to change is the Input and Output you'll be using. There is one place where the Output will need changed, and two places where the Input will need changed.
The file will need copied to <mach3install folder>/macros/<folder named the same as the current mach profile you're using>/ (there should already be various macros in it)

You'll need to change theTool Change (top left) setting in General Config... to AutoTool Changer, so the M6 macros are used.
In your G-Code or MDI, you then simply call Txxnn where xx is the tool position, and nn are the tool offsets from the tool table.
For example T0101 will call tool position 1, along with offsets 1, whereas T0106 would call tool position 1, but with tool table offsets for tool 6.

You can use just Txx, which means the same number is used for tool position and offsets i.e. T01 is the same as T0101, however I prefer to use the full version.

so what youre saying is... if you fix the macro m6startx.m1s.  it will be called by a TXXNN?    you don't need to put a M6 in your machining program?