Hi Markus,
I tested the Driver:
I connected Power to the Driver...
Connected +5V to .....PUL+(+5V), DIR+(+5V) there is no reason for ENBL, because it is enabled without 5V
For testing I touched Ground to the PUL- (PUL) and the Motor stepped.
So, the Drivers work.
I tested Pokeys:
I connected a LED to x-DIR (PIN 36) and 5V on Pokeys...
When I start the Pokeys Configuration Program the LED in ON,
and when I go under Pulse engine settings, at the beginning I always have to unlock the pulse engine.
When I press RUN and move the x-Axis, the LED is on or of, depends which direction I move [I think this should be fine].
Meassurement with the multimeter is 4,84 V in one direction and something about 1,8 in the other direction.
The Power supply for Pokeys is a USB charger with 1A output..should be enought...
When I do the same procedure with x-STEP (PIN 46) the LED is ON, even when I'm not connected to the config-program or mach3...
when I enter the config program and move the axis its always on...I thought I'd see the LED flickering, but it seems stabel....maybe a tiny tiny flickering, but everytime (eben when I dont move the axis).
The ON OFF switching of the LED (5v and X-DIR) works with Jogging in Mach3 as well.
I have no osziloskope, so what else can I do?
Could it be a Timing Problem?
Driver DM542MA
Step Time Step Space Direction Hold Direction Setup Steps on
5050 5050 500 500 ?
http://wiki.linuxcnc.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?Stepper_Drive_TimingI dont know what to do...
please help me