Hello everybody. Trying to setup my 3 axis CNC with Chinese 3axis USB breakout card
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/3-Axis-USB-Controller-Card-400KHz-CNC-MACH3-Breakout-Interface-Board-Win7-8-XP-/261395836685?pt=UK_BOI_Industrial_Automation_Control_ET&hash=item3cdc67ef0d I managed to connect this device to my steppers, connected X,Y,Z home switches and E-Stop. Everything, seems to be, is working fine. Except...
- After homing ( machine home switches are located on the opposite side from 0 for X and Y, and in the middle of the axis travel for Z) I get machine coordinates set to X0,Y0,Z0. Doesn't matter, what Home Offset is set in Motor Home/Limits menu. Auto Zero is set to ON. How to fight with this? I can't map physical spindle position with the Table Display in MACH3
. Physically X/Y position is 280/200, but Machine coordinates are always set to 0/0/0 after homing what is reflected on the Mach3 screen
- With soft limits enabled ("Soft Limits" button is in green rectangle) Mach3 still allow axis to move, even if it cross Soft limits coordinates. This is really bad, and I can't understand how to fight with this.
Tried this on several different PC's with fresh MACH3 R3.043.066 DEMO. Results are the same
. What I'm doing wrong? All settings in General config are "Factory default". Can this be a USB Card PlugIn fault?