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Author Topic: DELTA-E VFD MODBUS BRAIN Help Needed  (Read 82139 times)

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« on: February 01, 2015, 04:04:44 PM »
I have hit a wall with setting up my VFD and I need some help. Here is my situation. I have a Delta-E VFD connected via serial Modbus. I use a RS-232 serial 9 pin to RS-485@ 9600bps. My goal is to setup the spindle control using brains to control the VFD. Seems simple enough to do, but I have been working on this for the last two weeks and have gotten only so far. I am currently stuck at the point where I can control the motor On/Off/Fwd/Rev from the Modbus Serial Control Monitor.  I have made brains to control the action, but nothing happens. I am lost at the point where the software connection is made to trigger the VFD to start. I have not even attempted the frequency setting at this point. I have included screen shots of my various setup screens so anything out of the norm please let me know. If you have already made a brain for this please give me a piece or your mind or brain.

I am dealing with commands that are -1 Start Spindle, 1 Stop Spindle, -2 Changes Direction, -3 Stops or puts in jog mode ?

I have included screenshots of the following:
Serial Modbus Setup-Ports and Pins settings.
My Modbus Config
My Modbus Tests
Part of the Delta VFD-E Manual
My simple brain
My Complex brain. 
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2015, 04:06:15 PM »
Additional Attachments
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2015, 04:07:25 PM »
And More Attachments

Offline mbele

  •  58 58
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2015, 06:52:05 PM »

I'm using Delta E series VFD via serial modbus, but I'm not using REV feature at all. I've attached "mbele_techie_vfd.brn" brain that should work for you (if I did binary conversion correctly :), but I have not tested it in real environment (and I will not have any means of testing it in the next few weeks).

I've also attached screenshot of my serial modbus config and various VFD related brains (zip) I'm using, that you may find useful.

« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2015, 09:42:11 PM »

Thank you so much for the response. I went out to the shop to test it out. I didn't have any luck. I set the modbus cfg to match and loaded and enabled the brains.  I did the brain editor and watched it go green, but there was no starting the spindle. I check the register with the modbus test and couldn't start the spindle either.  I rechecked the parameter 2.01 on the VFD and set it to RS-485. Started again and no action, but it did change the VFD register 2.01 back to 0.  So I know that the brain is working.  I double checked my config registers and reset the VFD communication to 485 and it changed it back. So I know there is communication there to the VFD that is a baby step from me, but it is forward.  I am going go over your brains a little more in detail on tomorrow.   Thanks again for the response.

Offline mbele

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« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2015, 04:08:40 AM »
I'm enabling/disabling VDF modbus control (p02.00 & p02.01) using button/led on screen via "enable spindle ctrl.brn", but you could do it when starting stopping. I've attached updated brain that uses serial modbus cfg#2 (you'll have to configure it as address 513, 1 register, output holding) to set p02.01 to 3 when starting, 0 when stopped.
I must say I've never had an issue with VFD resetting params on it's own - btw default value is 1, not 0, so either manually setting the p02.01 to 3 failed, or something changed it back to 0. Check that you do not have any other modbus related brains running that can interfere, and test manually using modbus serial control monitor.
Good luck!
« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2015, 12:58:13 AM »
I checked my parameters on the VFD and they are resetting when your Brain is enabled.  So that means I can rule out any modbus connectivity issue. I am getting some response from MACH3, not what I wanted but it is something I can work with.  I tried downloading the brain above and it appears to not be attached or is corrupted.   I am going to review my parameters again on the VFD and go test through the brains you provided.

Offline mbele

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« Reply #7 on: February 04, 2015, 06:13:41 AM »
The first brain I've uploaded, it writes decimal  18,34 or 1 to cfg#1 which is wrong #cfg if your serial modbus settings are the same as in screenshot you've posted earlier. "corrupted" brain did the same, and used cfg#3 to write p02.01 (not cfg#2 as I wrote). I've attached the corrected brain.
To perform test, first, manually set p02.01 to RS485, and then, using serial monitor,  write decimal values 18, 1, 34, 1  respectively to decimal address 8192 (2000H) to test if those values are correct. If that works as expected (spins forward, stop, spin backwards, stop), manually set p02.01 to 0 (digital keypad), and using serial modbus monitor, write decimal 3 to decimal address 513 (0201H). Manually check if the p02.01 value on VFD is correctly set to 3 (RS485). If that worked, perform first test again. If all good, check serial modbus configuration, disable all #cfg but cfg#0 and cfg#2, make sure that cfg#0 is set as in the screenshot you've attached(port1, address 8192, registers 1, output-holding), and that cfg#2 is set to the same values as cfg#7 in the screenshot I've attached (port1, address 513, registers 1, output-holding). Disable all brains but the one attached, view that brain. Outputs 1 & 2 should be inactive and modbus output for MOD:1-P:0 (address 8192) should be 1 (stop), and for MOD:1-P:2 (address 513) should be 0 (digital keypad). Enter M3 command in MDI. Modbus output MOD:1-P:0 should read 18, and MOD:1-P:2 should read 3, and spindle should run forward. If that works, check M5 and M4 commands. If any of these steps fail, it should point out where the problem is. Brains I'm using will probably not work out-of-the-box for you, since my screen set is totally customized...
« Reply #8 on: February 05, 2015, 11:15:28 PM »
Here is what I have. I set the VFD 2.01 to RS-485 and tested with MODBUS Test 18,1,34,1 and I get forward, off, reverse, off. I then set 2.01 to 0 then tested 513 to 3. I checked the VFD and it changed. I then tested 18,1,34,1 and it works.  

I loaded your brain and then disabled all other brains. I then viewed the brain. I then hit the spindle button on the screen and all MODBUS outputs registered correctly. Nothing turned on brain looks correct. I rechecked serial MODBUS config and it matches your settings with parameters.  I then when into serial MODBUS test. I got nothing when I retested. I thought this might be some sort of communication problem. I checked P2.00 and it was 0, then checked P2.01 it was zero.  I then set P2.00 to 4 and P2.01 to 3 and then 8192 - 18,1,34,1 it works.  So I toggled P2.00 from 4 to 0 and it kills all communication.  

So I made a brain based off of yours figuring the order might make a difference. So I made a Brain that set the following when active 512-4, 513-3, 8192-18.  I saved, reloaded, enabled then viewed that Brain. It looks to be sending the correct signal.  I manually check the VFD and when I do I get P2.00-0, P201-0. When I set them manually to p2.00-4 and p2.01 to 3 they immediately go to 0 on both.

I don't know what it could be. I test in serial MODBUS test and it works and the second I enable the brain it is like it is locked at 0.  See 2.00 enables rs-485 and with it off it is dead. Somehow the VFD gets set to 0. I checked the parameter book and nothing seems to apply.  I don't think it is the brain. I mean it looks like it should work. I test the parameters and they work. Enable the brain and locked out. It is like it is some sort of safety deal. I set to not use the reset and still locked out.  I am wondering if when the brain is enable the first command the VFD gets is wrong and it defaults to off. Like it is being misread and decides to switch to manual operation.  Have any idea if this is a parameter setting or something I missed in MACH3?
« Reply #9 on: February 05, 2015, 11:29:10 PM »
my other views