I hooked up my X200 VFD (older blue one, not the new black one) into an RS485 link alongside the Ethernet Smoothstepper and built a basic Brain for it. Speed and RPM control are ok. RPM control is through the command bus, not PWM.
Problems I noted:
1. The spindle RPM cannot be displayed on Mach3's RPM field. I was told this was impossible to do because Mach3, for whatever reason, didn't allow the RPM field to be written via Brains. Is that correct? I tried using a Brain to write a constant number to it and no, it can't be written.
2. Mach3 cannot detect that the spindle is actually running. Or, for that matter, that the VFD even has its breaker on. It needs feedback for RPM and/or VFD errors I guess and throw an E-stop if it's not there. But my first note is that is it not always an error for the VFD RPM to be 0 when the Target RPM is 10,000 RPM, because that's normal for the very first moments after the Target RPM is set.
It also needs to stop trying to send the RS485 RPM command, because if the VFD's breaker is off and Mach3's console has the Spindle left "on" because of operator error, I'd rather the spindle not spin up on its own when I reset the VFD's breaker. If it threw itself into E-stop automatically when it didn't get spindle RPM, that problem should have resolved itself with an E-Stop.
3. My greatest concern here- say Mach3 crashes. Or the Ethernet cable to the Smoothstepper pulls out. Or the 120v breaker pops (the VFD is on a different 208v 3ph breaker). I don't expect the VFD to shut down, it will continue running since it was last given the RPM command and doesn't require ongoing commands to stay running. How can I institute a hardware failsafe for this? I have an Ethernet Smoothstepper here. VFD control is all through the RS485 control bus on a separate link from the PC, I don't want to do with PWM throttle control for it.
4. I did see a case where hitting Feed Hold stopped the spindle and when Resuming, it failed to restart the spindle. Why would that happen? Like I say, it restarted the spindle elsewhere immediately upon powering up the VFD breaker, so it's continuously sending the RS485 RPM command to the VFD. IIRC in that case I hit Spindle Reset manually to adjust the work, but Mach3 didn't realize the spindle should be "on" again to resume, which is dangerous.