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Author Topic: My Shizouka AN-S  (Read 75369 times)

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Offline mc

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Re: My Shizouka AN-S
« Reply #30 on: August 12, 2015, 06:12:24 PM »
Thanks for that. Going by your description, and the photo, mine seems to be a different design in terms of how things are controlled.
The TC alone on mine has 7 solenoids - Master Air, Arm In, Arm Out, Air Retard (cushions the arm during tool out), Claw Open, Claw Close, and PDB Engage. The spindle brake solenoid is mounted inside the main casting, along with a Master Air and Hi/Lo gear solenoids. I've not managed to get any details of the TC solenoid valves themselves as they're all shoe horned into where you've mounted the relays, but the solenoid coils are 220V, and everything points to them being a mix of normal 2/3 and 3/5 valves.

I suspect the controls on mine were actually UK sourced/produced, as it has a Made in UK by Sculpture M/C plate with serial number on it, however all the functionality and schematics are an almost perfect match to the Summit manual I have. The PDB control board also has a Ltd company name on it, with the main control board having no company details.
My plan is to mount a bank of DIN rail relays/holders where the original control boards were (underneath/to the rear of the main cylinder - that area on mine is full depth unlike yours), and run everything around to a Konnect (KFlop IO expansion) board in the main control cabinet.
I did consider a PLC (I used one on my lathe ATC as Konnect boards were't available then), but the KFlop with a Konnect board will quite happily handle everything, be a similar cost, and keeps all the programming in one place.

I'd post a photo showing the layout of my TC, however I've just realised I've not got one. I'll try and get one tomorrow, but I've not taken the door and frame of yet.
Re: My Shizouka AN-S
« Reply #31 on: August 12, 2015, 06:34:34 PM »

The TC alone on mine has 7 solenoids - Master Air, Arm In, Arm Out, Air Retard (cushions the arm during tool out), Claw Open, Claw Close, and PDB Engage. The spindle brake solenoid is mounted inside the main casting, along with a Master Air and Hi/Lo gear solenoids. I've not managed to get any details of the TC solenoid valves themselves as they're all shoe horned into where you've mounted the relays, but the solenoid coils are 220V, and everything points to them being a mix of normal 2/3 and 3/5 valves.

You are spot on.  I should have been more clear, my fault.  There actually were 7 solenoids as you described.  I counted valves rather than solenoids.  The Arm and Claw valves both have 2 solenoids.  I removed the Air Retard valve, not needed IMHO.  The PDB engage, and spindle brake still exist.
Controls Engineer
Machine Design/Build

Offline alloy

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Re: My Shizouka AN-S
« Reply #32 on: August 12, 2015, 09:53:16 PM »
Here is a link to the entire build so far on Hobby Machinist.


Offline mc

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Re: My Shizouka AN-S
« Reply #33 on: August 15, 2015, 02:16:43 PM »
Thanks for the link alloy. I had a read through the build, and it looks good.

I removed the door and frame from mine today so I could get the valve block pulled out, and the double valves are indeed 5/2 type, so only need a pulse to activate, however the coils are rated for 100% duty cycle, so keeping them active isn't an issue. A photo of my partially stripped TC can be found at https://flic.kr/p/wrjSaX
I've been going through the wiring diagrams, and I'm quite amazed at how the tool change sequences were done with relatively basic components.

Do you have the tool in/out buttons connected via the computer, or just direct to the valves/pdb?
I've been thinking about what switches I'd like to keep, and what ones to remove, so I'd quite like to hear how you've done things.
Re: My Shizouka AN-S
« Reply #34 on: August 15, 2015, 06:09:46 PM »
The switches are connected to the computer and the outputs are from the computer that drive the valves.  I did it this way so the computer can handle the tool change as well as operating manually.  When the TC is in manual mode, the buttons are available for use, when the TC is in AUTO control is only by the computer. When in OFF, none of the TC, PDB works.  There is a TC Manual subroutine running in thread 0 on the Galil controller.  I use thread 0 running in a continuous scan for all of these types of functions, as well as E-stop and other error monitoring.  The Auto TC sequence will run in it's own thread when called by Mach3.

The buttons/switches are

Tool In, BP
Tool Out, BP
Spindle Brake On/Off, 2 Pos, Sel Sw, Maintained
Auto/Off/Man, 3 Pos, Sel Sw, Maintained
Claw Open/Close, 3 Pos Sel Sw, Spring return, Center Off
Arm Tool/Spindle, 3 Pos Sel Sw, Spring return, Center Off
Turret CW/CCW, 3 Pos Sel Sw, Spring return, Center Off
Controls Engineer
Machine Design/Build
Re: My Shizouka AN-S
« Reply #35 on: August 25, 2015, 05:53:03 PM »
I have the tool changer working in full auto now.  All under Galil control.  Now I just need to get Mach3 to tell it what tool to grab next, and when.

Here's a YouTube video of it in action https://youtu.be/pHRFHeFeNcY
Controls Engineer
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Offline mc

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Re: My Shizouka AN-S
« Reply #36 on: August 26, 2015, 04:58:19 PM »
Looking good. The stepper on the carousel certainly speeds things up.

How are you getting the holders on position with the stepper?
Just relying on the correct number of steps, or have you added another sensor?
Re: My Shizouka AN-S
« Reply #37 on: August 26, 2015, 07:48:35 PM »
This is faster than the original?  I never saw it run with the original drive.

I tell it how many steps to run, then I double check the position with a prox sensor that reads the sprocket teeth.  That way it compensates for any backlash in the system or lost steps.  The prox is hiding under the gearbox.
Controls Engineer
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Offline alloy

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Re: My Shizouka AN-S
« Reply #38 on: August 26, 2015, 09:19:58 PM »
Here is a pic of the prox sensor.

Well..................that didn't work.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2015, 09:22:02 PM by alloy »

Offline alloy

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Re: My Shizouka AN-S
« Reply #39 on: August 26, 2015, 09:23:14 PM »
Lets try it again