Hi, I installed Mach3Version3.043.066.exe (Demo Version from
http://www.machsupport.com/) on a clean Windows XP SP3 on Asus L3500H 2.45GHz 512MB,
and configured
Units MM, Sherline, Parallel 3 Axis TB6560, Motor Speeds, which works good from [tab] Jog Controls and can run the Shapes example after I added a G20 command.
Now I wanted to try the Wizards, but if I open a Wizard (like circle), the input fields are kind of disabled:
I may click on an input that turn grayisch and enter a value, but if I klick on another input field, the value disappears and the former default value reappears.
What am I doing wrong ? Will the Wizards not work on Demo Version ? Some idiocratic operating procedure ?
By the way: I was not able to register to this forum using Internet Explorer, as the turning icons do not work. I needed access to another computer running Chrome. Do you really need THREE captchas ?