Here is my hardware:
Break out board: CNC4PC C32
Running full version of Mach 3
X&Y Power supply: 72V 20A (PS-7220)
X&Y Servo Controller: DG4S
Motor: Brushed DC Servo
Encoder: AMT103
Wanting to add servo system to my existing stepper controlled 4 x 8 Vortech router, which has been heavily modified, and is still in operation.
Here is the issue we are having:
The drivers are faulting out. The motors will come on and sometimes stay, depending on the step calibrations in Mach 3.
Multiple wires, drivers, & motors have been swapped in and out.
The configurator software shows all connections are good, the motors operate the same way (as described above) when using the calibration/analysis tabs to step the motors.
The Driver PID settings were obtained off of
I will be posting this same thread at cnczone also, just trying to get up and running.