Well, Guys, even after the shielding, I still have the problem.
Z runs perfect. The other two run pretty good, but will go both directions using the same arrow key.
Here is a photo of the shielding in place.
http://leestyron.com/cnc/cb4.jpgMy site is down for the past few minutes but should show up soon.
Now I am nearly at an end of the battle with this case and configuration. I have no clue what might be going on now.
I have swapped everything I could think of including computers, keyboards, drives, motors, cables, BOB's, 5 volt sources, switches, PPort cables etc.
I have swapped pin settings on the BOB and matched them up to Mach. All three motors have the same settings and then different settings from very slow to fast. No difference. I still get bidirectional movement from one arrow key. I get this same kind of movement regardless of which arrow key. Both on X and Y.
I have a question. The 470 uf caps. Gecko says to use these if the PS is more than a foot from the drives. They are right at a foot. Would it hurt anything to remove them and give it a whirl? I am thinking it would be okay. I am still just boxing shadows n this.
This is all before I even get the THC 300a turned on and the plasma going. This could really take some time.
Thanks for any suggestions at this point.