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Author Topic: SS Crash's Mach  (Read 37933 times)

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Offline Katoh

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SS Crash's Mach
« on: November 11, 2015, 05:32:45 PM »

I just installed a new USB SS on my lathe that was currently running on two PP, I followed the instructions , had some trouble with the driver at first but loaded in the end, configured Mach and after a little playing around with settings got things to work, had some minor bugs. Before I could turn anything I got dreaded FTDI USB driver error and had to reboot. I read some posts and tried a separate power supply to SS with no luck, I then tried a re-install of the driver , no good either.
After reinstalling everything again and even earlier versions of drivers, now Mach loads then just hangs and crash's.

What do I do now?

Using HP desktop 2.8Ghz computer, Win XP configured for Mach, Yes I have unticked the USB Hub power off. Mach version 3.043.062 Smooth stepper plugin v17fe,
and USB driver 2.08.30 I tried 2.08.14 and 2.08.02 but neither would install the driver correctly.

Before I wipe the whole lot and install Win7 should I try or am I simply missing something!
Re: SS Crash's Mach
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2015, 05:07:00 PM »
.... in short .... you have a ground loop problem....

I'd suggest you post your setup (you are probably best to read the Warp9 forum and the website as this has proved to be a very common and annoying problem that I'm sure collectivly we have spent many hours trying to trace).

You will need to list your breakout board and some photographs and maybe a schematic of how you have wired everything.

I've have a USB SS in the past and I know it was a right pain until I traced the offending ground loop (in my case it was my USB cable that was touching my casing and earthing the whole system as I used a chassis connector such as one of these...http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/USB-B-Male-To-USB-Chassis-Socket-3M-/141823002079?hash=item21054f45df:g:OAsAAMXQuTNTLar8 ) as well as joining all my low voltage (0V) supplies together...


Albert Einstein ― “If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself.”

Offline Katoh

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Re: SS Crash's Mach
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2015, 05:55:06 PM »
I did wipe the computer and with a fresh install of win 7 and fresh installs of everything else, still the same thing Mach loads then crashes.
Plugged my two PP's back in and the whole thing runs fine, doesn't miss a beat. I tried different cables, different USB ports to avail.
One thing that I did notice the two lights on the SS do not do what they are meant to, they constantly stay on even thou the driver has been correctly installed, maybe a problem in the board itself?
Re: SS Crash's Mach
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2015, 05:56:44 PM »
Can you post some photos of your setup?

Albert Einstein ― “If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself.”

Offline dude1

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Re: SS Crash's Mach
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2015, 03:31:38 AM »
check your usb cable if you can change it for another one try that and please do what rob asked for

Offline Katoh

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Re: SS Crash's Mach
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2015, 05:09:23 PM »
Hi Gentlemen
Sorry for the late response I have been interstate for the weekend.

check your usb cable if you can change it for another one try that and please do what rob asked for
I have tried different USB cables for the same result.

Can you post some photos of your setup?
Yeah sure! Firstly I am using Homman MB-02-V6 Breakout boards and a Homman DC06 spindle control board, I have not had any trouble with these and they work very well with the PP. I must add under win 7 using just using the PP as I test I cut a 1/2"UNF thread 1-1/4" long and I’m simply surprised how well it ended up.
The 3 pics are the VFD in its own box on the side of the lathe, the second shows the keyboard under the main control box under it, the Computer sits above the control box in its own space. Next to the keyboard is a nice attachment with 4push buttons and a rotary switch with 3 settings, each is a different jog speed, the buttons simply move the axis as shown in its position to the speed set by the rotary switch. All cables are shielded and earthed, The SS removed now sits between the PPs where you can see the cables entering on 20mm stand-offs and I tested it with door open and the usb cables coimming through the door directly to the PC

Offline Katoh

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Re: SS Crash's Mach
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2015, 09:45:33 PM »
Just to put closure on this thread, the board was actually found to be defective, it would not communicate with Mach. A replacement board was offered but I chose to go with the ESS board instead of the USB.
The lathe I will leave as a 2 PP set-up as it is running extremely well, the ESS board I will use on my Bridgeport conversion.