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Author Topic: It's Alive! (El Cheapo Dyna 2400 Mach III conversion)  (Read 26328 times)

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Offline Jeff_Birt

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Re: It's Alive! (El Cheapo Dyna 2400 Mach III conversion)
« Reply #20 on: May 24, 2007, 05:14:18 PM »
I did a more extensive search today for quick change tooling for an ESX16 taper and it looks like Floyd Automatic is about it.  I have emailed them to see if they have something that will work with the Dyna 2400.  The good news is that the ESX16 collet seem to be somewhat popular in the jewlery making industry so at least collets should be easy to get.  I'll post details when I get them.

On another note, I just noticed that the stock Dyna 2400 stepper drivers have a programming jumper to select the axis and a voltage reference to set for current adjustment.  The Z-driver has seperate adjustments for UP and DOWN, with DOWN being only about 85% of up.  The UP current limit is also 20% or so hiegher than X or Y (according to the chart on control box cover).  My X and Y drivers are currently switched, so I guess I will switch them back (I think direction is the only thing diffrent but I dont know) and check the current limits to see if I can then get a little more out of them.

Here is a cell phone picture of the first thing we cut with Mach III.  I screwed up the tool change the finsh pass didn't do much, but it proved that Mach and the machine work.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2007, 05:22:09 PM by Jeff_Birt »
Happy machining , Jeff Birt


Re: It's Alive! (El Cheapo Dyna 2400 Mach III conversion)
« Reply #21 on: May 24, 2007, 05:30:25 PM »
If the ESX16 and ER16 are the same then you will get collets almost any place.

Looks like your mill is running well.


Offline Jeff_Birt

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Re: It's Alive! (El Cheapo Dyna 2400 Mach III conversion)
« Reply #22 on: May 25, 2007, 01:35:42 PM »
Got a quick reply from Floyd Automatic: Thank you for the enquiry, unfortunately our quick change system is only available with ESX20 or ESX25 taper so it is too big for your spindle.

So that's ano go for my mill at least.  Did some more web surfing this mornign and found this: http://www.hightechsystemsllc.com/index_files/Page2045.htm.  Which is pretty interesting and low cost.  It is made to thread directly to a Sherline spindle but they do have an adapter that you install in the exisisting chuck, http://www.hightechsystemsllc.com/index_files/Page993.htm, and then the quick change threads onto the adapter.  And it uses the same collets the my machine surrently does.  There are some videos on their website.  I called them this morning and found out that the quick change comes with three tool holders.  Anyhow, it looks it might work for our purposes.

I also adjusted the voltage reference for the X and Y drivers (OEM) as they were a bit low.  Now I am happily traversing at 21 IPM!  A pretty good increase from 15 IPM.

I'll report back after I recieve teh quick change listed above adn let you guys know how it works out.
Happy machining , Jeff Birt

Offline Raca

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Re: It's Alive! (El Cheapo Dyna 2400 Mach III conversion)
« Reply #23 on: May 26, 2007, 08:57:50 AM »
You may finde at Schaublin or Iscar!

Offline Jeff_Birt

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Re: It's Alive! (El Cheapo Dyna 2400 Mach III conversion)
« Reply #24 on: November 19, 2011, 04:21:50 PM »
I got an email the other day after somebody read this thread. Just a quick update:

I recently re-updated this machine to a G540. WOW! what a huge difference. The motors and power supply are stock, but I ripped out the old stepper drives and a G540 dropped right in the same location. It is like a whole new machine, running 40IPM rapids even with 101,600 steps/inch (thinks to the SmoothStepper putting out such a nice pulse train.)

I'll post some pictures soon.
Happy machining , Jeff Birt

Offline Raca

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Re: It's Alive! (El Cheapo Dyna 2400 Mach III conversion)
« Reply #25 on: November 21, 2011, 06:10:02 AM »
It's good to hear somebody that continues work on Dyna. I have finish mine, and results is: First I have to remove all electronics form Dyna 2400, second I have removed all transmission in all 3 axes and changed to THK ground ball screw  witch I have obtain from  "http://www.ebay.com/sch/jak8858/m.html?_trksid=p4340.l2562" this guy. No need to buy new one, this are in excellent condition. Look for C1 quality, and 14mm diameter with 4mm lead. You need to do some more adaptation to connect this to machine. I have used R+W couplers for connecting this ground ball screw to motors. This is my recommendation, and for third I have changed motors for servo Sanyo Denky from this guy "http://www.ebay.com/itm/Sanyo-Denki-BL-Super-P5-Servo-Motor-P50C08075HXS21-750W-/400251738520?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item5d30dcd998" and after this I have used Teknic servo drive witch made this system works. Smooth stepper is necessary to be in this configuration, and you can have fast machine (3.5m G0) and precision of 0.00025mm theoretically. In practice I have checked out to 1 micron repeatability in all axes. Now, I'm working on 4th axes and results will come in the week. If you need some advice just send post. Best regards Sasha