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Author Topic: Spindle calibration, how I manage to get it working  (Read 57344 times)

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Offline midyo

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Re: Spindle calibration, how I manage to get it working
« Reply #10 on: March 21, 2016, 03:51:29 AM »
OK, well I have a UC100 so that's that. I'm thinking I might take it out though if it will mean better spindle control for threading etc?

Offline rcaffin

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Re: Spindle calibration, how I manage to get it working
« Reply #11 on: March 21, 2016, 04:30:28 AM »
I use Mach3 .062, an ESS, and a single Index pulse. I turn on spindle averaging in Mach.
I get quite good, even excellent, threading. But I do take small cuts so the load on the spindle drive is small.


Offline midyo

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Re: Spindle calibration, how I manage to get it working
« Reply #12 on: March 21, 2016, 06:03:24 AM »
To be fair I do get pretty good results threading as is, what do you find to be the best feeds and speeds. It does seem to me that slower is better. I spin the chuck at 100RPM and take 0.05mm cuts usually. I just always get the feeling it could be better though!

Offline midyo

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Re: Spindle calibration, how I manage to get it working
« Reply #13 on: March 21, 2016, 06:04:10 AM »
Also, whats the reason for using an older version?


Offline rcaffin

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Re: Spindle calibration, how I manage to get it working
« Reply #14 on: March 21, 2016, 06:35:08 AM »
Hi midyo

Spin: always a function of material and diameter. I have no trouble threading 7000-series Al or brass at 400 RPM on diameters up to 20 mm. To me, the limiting factors are sync distance and withdrawal speed. They might depend on your machine. Cut depth - not much, but always enough to actually 'cut'.

Yes, .062 is older than .066 or .067, but ...
.067 was only briefly available and was withdraw, afaik.
.066 is 'recommended' by the Artsoft web site, but users have had problems with it and most experienced users recommend dropping back to .062 . I suspect that whatever bug fixes they attempted with .066 made too many other things worse.
.063, .064, .065 - I don't think they were ever released.


Offline midyo

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Re: Spindle calibration, how I manage to get it working
« Reply #15 on: March 21, 2016, 03:58:07 PM »
Back to .062 it is then!
Re: Spindle calibration, how I manage to get it working
« Reply #16 on: August 10, 2016, 04:59:40 PM »
Yet another update:
Spindle calibration works fine in MILL mode.
I am still having a few issues in LATHE mode. I usually have to issue a spin command twice to get close to the calibrated spin, otherwise it runs faster - sometimes a little faster, sometimes a lot. Sigh.

The comment was made somewhere that there is little difference between spinning at 1500 RPM and 1600 RPM. This may be so on a Mill, but on a Lathe it can mean the difference between sitting right on tool/part resonance and being way off resonance and quiet. Mumble.

Cheers And Happy New Year

The spreadsheet is excellent and has done a great job of calibrating my lathe spindle speed. I have the same issue that you have regarding having to request the spindle speed twice. Did you ever find a fix for this?

Offline rcaffin

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Re: Spindle calibration, how I manage to get it working
« Reply #17 on: August 10, 2016, 05:59:36 PM »
I suspect (but do not know) that the problem is deep inside Mach3. I suspect that the spindle is set running before the system checks for pulley upper speed limit, so the PWM ratio generated the first time is wrong. Just one of those quirks in mach3 that we all love ...
With that in mind, my solution is to issue the following commands:


This seems to work fine. In fact, the actual value for the first spin command does not really matter: it could be s200 for that matter. The second spin command does work.

Re: Spindle calibration, how I manage to get it working
« Reply #18 on: August 12, 2016, 03:59:47 PM »
Thanks Roger

Looks like I will have to use the same workaround.


Re: Spindle calibration, how I manage to get it working
« Reply #19 on: August 24, 2016, 03:58:10 PM »
Tried a little work around tonight that seems to be working.

Edit the M3 macro and replace it with -
Code "S" & SetS

Now it automatically loads the speed twice when you use an M3 which means the spindle goes to the correct speed.

Not sure how the screen buttons work, might need to change them to call M3.