Thank you for your answer.
So I added an M3 in Config:Global Config:Startup Modals:Init String and checked 'Use Init String on ALL Resets'.
Now the speed will appear on the screens at least if I'm out of emergency mode.
There is just an G80 in the init string, that now will be executed on more occasions. I hope that this will not interfere.
And I found Config:Spindle Pulleys... that does the Job niceley, I only wonder why Pulley 4 is selected by default.
One more question: If I use Ctrl-J Jog Controls (Arrow keys and PgUp/PgDn) to move manually, I realized, that it
moves in (slightley) different speeds if I use the buttons with oder without pressing the shift key simultanousley.
There are different speeds für Jog control in Config General Jog Increments in Cycle Mode, but they differ much
more (by 10, not just by 1:1.2 or so). Where can I modify/set_up the two speeds used using the arrow keys ?
(something like 'Use the speed in Feed Rate or Maximum Speed from Motor Config)