Ok, so to heck with the formulas. Something told me it wasn't simple.

You call that "crude" !
I guess Michelangelo was a "chicken scratcher".
I like your idea !
Would most likely provide enough force but not sure about the kinetics of it.
Questions ...The velocity at the knife looks to be reduced by about 3:1 ?
.. meaning the e-punch would provide more of a "push" than actual impact ?
Relying more on the impact allows all actuation to cease well before the tooling contacts the material relying solely on the kinetics of the mass to complete the cutting.
and making it as fast as absolutely possible.
I was tinkering with a variation of yours but using an air cyl instead of the e-punch.
The cyl would fully extend as quickly as possible leaving the cutters slightly open.
The kinetics of the mass would make the cut and the lower return spring would immediately open the gap so the matl. could continue.
See pic. Something a bit more cruder.

I like your pivot pin and return too ... just as I had envisioned. Much simpler than a slide.
Thanks Ian, much appreciated,