I am using a Blacktoe router, Mach3 software, a Smoothstepper ethernet converter, A14A breakout board, Super PID controlling a Porter Cable router speed. Everything works except the PWM pulse to the PID is inverted meaning that I get a high PWM going low for slow speed and that is backward from what the PID needs. My whole problem is that I cannot find a way in Mach3 to change the PWM pulse to be low going high to get slow speed. It wants to get S25000 to achieve a speed of 5000 rpm which is wrong and a S5000 to get a 25000 rpm.
This used to work fine but some setting is wrong and no one can tell me which setting. The Output tab in Mach3 is set to Output #2 Pin 14 with active checked or Xed and nothing changes. I could build a inverter circuit but that is not the correct way to get the right PWM out of Mach3.
Why doesn't changing the active high to low or back change the PWM pulse to low going high? When this is changed it shows up in the Mach3.html file correctly but no change in PWM.