OK - I'm probably crackers but I hate to be beaten.
After having a bit of a look around I see that these C10 boards have been a lot of trouble in the past. However it also turns out that there have been several revisions of the design. Unfortunately there are also several versions of the user manuals but I've yet to find one with a photo that matches the board you have.
However - I have found a schematic which does seem to match your board layout.
So I'll give it a couple more shots.
So Kolias - put your best concentration hat on please.
First question: See the attached image: Does the marked (in red) area on your board have a jumper marked INPUTS - 1-2 Pull Down 2-3 PullUp.
Second question: If it does - what's it currently set to i.e. is the jumper on 1-2 or 2-3?