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Author Topic: G49 and Mach3 Turn ---- how does it work?????  (Read 11906 times)

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Re: G49 and Mach3 Turn ---- how does it work?????
« Reply #10 on: March 25, 2016, 08:29:50 PM »
With that cammand you can just pick a point anywhere on the screen, or define a specific point, and also define how that move
should be done in the options.

Re: G49 and Mach3 Turn ---- how does it work?????
« Reply #11 on: March 26, 2016, 01:27:10 PM »
With that cammand you can just pick a point anywhere on the screen, or define a specific point, and also define how that move
should be done in the options.


Yes, I tried goto https://youtu.be/K1ttceK0PtM?t=1m13s

I did not tried to activate send home , I thought it will sent it to safe (home) tool change positon which I defined in setup machine for rear turret.

Does anybody have some example with using vairables that can remeber values isnide macro, I would need that to modife my tool changer macro.

In video from link I analyzide what is happening with Goto command (even I did not checked send to home position).

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Re: G49 and Mach3 Turn ---- how does it work?????
« Reply #12 on: March 26, 2016, 03:44:30 PM »
Please don't take offence but I am afraid I don't really have time to sit through long videos.

If I understand what you are wanting then maybe this would work.

For each job set a tool change position that is just clear of the raw stock, maybe 2mm bigger in X and Z.
Next you could use the GoTo option to then define individual positions for the move to where you wish to change the tool.
You have 2 ways of accessing the GoTo, you can pick it from the Icons as I mentioned earlier but you can also choose it from within each operation, it should be under the More Options tab.
That way you effectively have the choice of different tool change positions for each tool.

I have tried this out and it seems to work well but afraid I don't know where my Dongle is so I am unable to post code to see what it looks like, it may or may not work but is worth a try.
 If Dolphin allowed you to disable tool change position or had the option to have a position for each tool it would be simple, sadly it doesn't but it is still a nice affordable CAM especially for Lathes.
Re: G49 and Mach3 Turn ---- how does it work?????
« Reply #13 on: March 27, 2016, 11:21:28 AM »
Please don't take offence but I am afraid I don't really have time to sit through long videos.

If I understand what you are wanting then maybe this would work.

For each job set a tool change position that is just clear of the raw stock, maybe 2mm bigger in X and Z.
Next you could use the GoTo option to then define individual positions for the move to where you wish to change the tool.
You have 2 ways of accessing the GoTo, you can pick it from the Icons as I mentioned earlier but you can also choose it from within each operation, it should be under the More Options tab.
That way you effectively have the choice of different tool change positions for each tool.

I have tried this out and it seems to work well but afraid I don't know where my Dongle is so I am unable to post code to see what it looks like, it may or may not work but is worth a try.
 If Dolphin allowed you to disable tool change position or had the option to have a position for each tool it would be simple, sadly it doesn't but it is still a nice affordable CAM especially for Lathes.

Hi, no problem if you have no time for videos, I know where is Goto and I used it to move from rawstock , even tried before to position toolchanger on place which is safe for rotation of turret (but I did not choose option goto home position because I thought it will bring toolchanger on place where it toolchanger ends up automaticaly every time when I want to select new tool, and thing was that that place was only ok for master tool so I alone reedited postprocessor so that tools comes to that place same as in cam, from right side. Anyway I know where is Goto comand only need to try what will happen if I in Goto menu select send to home position )now I have idea that maybe it will work diffrent then I expected).

I need information how to use or is it possible to use variables inside macros in Mach3 that have memory , I can not find any example so I am not sure is that possible or I am just searching under wrong tags )english is not my mother langauge, so it would be huge help if someone have some link where I can see how are used variables inside mach3 macros that can remeber values of variables, from what I tested every time I enter in macro it does not remebre what whas previous value of varibale.

« Last Edit: March 27, 2016, 11:23:31 AM by zmajmr »
Re: G49 and Mach3 Turn ---- how does it work?????
« Reply #14 on: March 31, 2016, 08:32:38 AM »
Here is update

So when I choose Goto Home I can send complete toolchanger in one point in space which is predefined in Machine setup and name of that point is safe (home) toolchange position, it would be nice if I could send toolchanger on exact position for each tool , i guess I did not try that because it name suggested what will happen and now when I have little experience with post processor I can see that Goto Home will send tool changer on coordinates that defined in Machine setup.

Other thing , so G49 does not work in Mach3 Turn but I can accomplish same effect with typing in MDI T0000 or what I at the end chose T0909 because I do not have tool number 9 in turret (have only 8 tools  ;)), so because of that additional tool my tracking off tools in turret after choosing non existing tool was messed up and functions GetCurrentTool() and GetSelectedTool() were not enough to determine according to difference of those two return value which tool I actually want so mach3 can execute rotation of turret to get in reality tool number same as in Mach3 , and after reading on net and experimenting , I first thought that static variables will help but they also loose value after I escape out of tool changer macro so at the end I concluded that I need to save data in file and if I get request for T0909 that means save tool number before tool in file because you will need that data to calculate in next step what tool you need to get later.

I mange to find here good source how to use saving data to file


Now I need to see is it possible to adjust post processor to control tool changer as I want (I saw it is not so easy and I could not imagine what all problems exist untill I mange to re edit tool changer macro, easiest way is to use G53 and to send tool changer on fixed place every time and probably is the safest way), but it would be cool that tool changer does not need to travel every time to fixed place, my idea is that safe place is different according to upcoming tool  :)

« Last Edit: March 31, 2016, 08:35:36 AM by zmajmr »
Re: G49 and Mach3 Turn ---- how does it work?????
« Reply #15 on: March 31, 2016, 12:07:09 PM »
So I was trying to say that is not possible to send tool changer on different position for each tool (there is no interface in CAM to do something like that).
Re: G49 and Mach3 Turn ---- how does it work?????
« Reply #16 on: April 02, 2016, 03:51:20 AM »
found accidentally video where guy talks about g43 , probably this is why G49 does not work on lathe in Mach3 Turn