Ok, so its been a quiet day in the day-job today but couldn't sneak home to work on the project as it was my watch as they say
Been playing with Fusion360
Sort of come up with a plan for the top plate of my dual-spindle adaptor for the mill. My thoughts are in the machining process...
Spot the three holes in the middle,
Drill them through,
Counter-bore them,
Rough pocket out the two big holes,
Finish pass on them,
Questions so far,
should i rough the holes then finish with a mill tool or should I go for the boring head and bore-gauges/caliper ??
I was thinking to then flip over in the vise, mill the slot on the rear face, then flip back, bolt to table on scrap pads through the big holes and do the outer contour followed by the two small slots and a chamfer pass?
How to chamfer the rear face once contoured?
So far its been a blast, love the 360deg view