New spindle arrived today, did it fit my 3d designed and cnc machined quill clamp?
Damn right it did, fitted like a glove

Setup the VFD - totally different than the mini-mill, the CSMIO seems to be far better and with spindle pulleys at std setup - 0-24,000 rpm it matched speed 100%, no messing no fuss.
Just got to finish machining the sub-table now, could have got it done at the weekend if i didn't bend the probe on my Haimer

and no, I didn't remember to order a spare tip
Got two on the way to me now though, lesson learnt.
In the above post, i mentioned being able to set the feed rate and retract when tapping with the TapMatic head - This was wrong, the post calculates all the settings based upon the tap pitch chosen in the tool library - much easier, I just need to get the actual speed as close to selected speed as possible.