Hi All
Just about finished converting an Emcoturn lathe to mach3 control.
Now just starting to make some swarf.
I have used Mach mill for some time but this is my first venture into Mach lathe.
I have a couple of issues with the work offsets table. They may or may not be a
problem, The problem may just be in my understanding of how they should work.
A) I have a rear mounted toolpost and have this option selected for all tools (rear toolpost led lit)
I was expecting that with the rear toolpost setup selected a G55 workoffsets would be generated
It isn't. It generates a G54 workoffset. But having said that from what I have tried so far it appears to work!!
What I am worried about is. As I am new to running a Mach3 lathe, if this is wrong, is there a situation where
this issue is likely to bite me some time in the future?
B) Secondly. I wanted to try and save the X axis work offset so I didn't have to do the complete skimming of
stock etc etc each time I switch the machine on.
My lathe has home switches so at the moment when I switch on I immediately home z and x.
Does the act of homing wipe out the offsets?
I have tried using the save button in the offsets table with no joy.
At the moment the offsets stay as long as the machine is switched on, but are gone on startup
Is this the correct way it should work?
For information I have the following settings
(tick) Copy G54 from G59.253 on startup
(tick) Persistant offsets
(tick) Persistant Dro's
(tick) Optional offsets save (save fixtures etc via message boxes during shutdown)
As I say because of my inexperience in using the cnc lathe these issues may or may not be a problem.
here's hoping someone will point me in the right direction
cheers George