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Author Topic: Mach 3 and STDR-4C HELP PLEASE  (Read 3073 times)

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« on: June 06, 2016, 11:54:20 AM »
Hello.  First time poster here.  I recently finished building my cnc router and now Im at the lets test it out and see what i need to do to work the bugs out.  Im running Windows 7 32 bit, my motor controller is STDR 4C,  Im using the the parallel port on the computer to link the computer to the motor control.  The cable to link the two is about 5 feet long.  It is actually two cables, one male to female and one male to male. I downloaded the Mach 3 and went by the instructions and Im able to tinker around with the software.  The emergency stop does flash, when i press the reset, "Emergency mode active" scrolls across and "external Estop is requested" is at the bottom of the screen.  On the diagnostic page, 5 green lights on the Port 1 pins state are one, rest are off.  Any suggestions on getting this resolved and getting this to get my motors to move. 
Re: Mach 3 and STDR-4C HELP PLEASE
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2016, 08:10:27 AM »
Hi edfire4,
not sure what the problem/problems are so best start at the beginning and work your way thru.

While its not an absolute test a good indication as to whether Mach is producing pulses to which your
motor controller can respond is the "mach3 driver test'. Does it operate and what sort of report does
it give you? Note that unless Mach3 is licenced as opposed to demo then you are limited to 25khz.
If licenced it is worthwhile to run the driver test at higher speeds just to see what sort of capability
your PC has. I run my mill at 25khz but occasionly test up to 100khz just to see. If you do change speeds
you will need to shut Mach down and restart before the driver will 'read' the new speed.

Second step would be to see if your controller is getting pulses. I have no idea what an STDR-4C is, can you
post a manual? Do you use a breakout board? Quite a few of them have LED's on the outputs and are
a godsend when diagnosing things. The other alternative is to use an oscilloscope but unless you or
perhaps a friend has one and know how to use it possibly of little use to you, brings me back to the
LED's on the breakout board... marvellous things!

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