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Author Topic: PWM Settings for Pokeys57CNC  (Read 11915 times)

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PWM Settings for Pokeys57CNC
« on: August 27, 2016, 03:10:53 AM »
First my english is not so good

Mach3 Version latest
Pokeys57cnc V1.1
Pokeys Firmwar 4.2.6
Pokeys Plugin Version  2.0 (shown in mach3 start)

My Problem ist that the PWM Setting are working in Pokeys Software it self
When i move Slider for Pin17 the spindle goes from 6000 to 24000
all ok

but in mach3 the speed is alway the same at 6000
i setup the pokey plugin like ithe manual (https://www.poscope.com/wp-content/uploads/downloads/Pokeys/Manuals/PoKeys%20Pulse%20engine%20v2%20and%20Mach3%20plugin%20manual%20(6.3.2016).pdf)
page 24
pmw period 50khz
pin17 Fixed Duty Cycle in %

when i set it to 100% it always runs with 24000
when i set 50 % it always run with 12000

but now response on the g-code or override from mach3

what is wrong
please help

Offline NeoTO

  •  504 504
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Re: PWM Settings for Pokeys57CNC
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2016, 04:43:45 AM »
As we responded in the support ticket, configure the PWM output to be mapped to a DRO in %, not a fixed value in %.

A fixed value setting will result in a fixed value on the output - this is useful for setting up LCD backlight and contrast, but it is not intended to drive a spindle with it...

Select 'Mapped to DRO in %, select DRO 817 in the list, configure the multiplier to 0.00417 (so that when spindle DRO reads 24.000 the result is 100) and check the check box below to turn off the PWM output when spindle is turned off.
www.poscope.com home of PoKeys USB HID, IO, USB, Ethernet controler and PoScope USB PC oscilloscope
Re: PWM Settings for Pokeys57CNC
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2016, 05:29:39 AM »
but as i respond to the support ticket i already try your setting
map to dro in %
configure multipl to 0.0414 or 0.02
starting mach 3
load g-code with two tools

mach with says first tool 24000, spindle starts and run at 6000
spindle stops for tool change
tool two 13000, spindle starts and run also at 6000

no spindle override response

when i start polabs app parallel to mach3, go to pwm , pin 17, move the slider to 100%, the spindle goes up to 24000

what can i do
install mach 3 again over the existing installation ?
go back to pokeys 4.2.2 ?


Offline NeoTO

  •  504 504
    • PoLabs
Re: PWM Settings for Pokeys57CNC
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2016, 05:42:08 AM »
1. Never run any other application that accesses the PoKeys device in parallel with Mach3!
2. Check that the DRO 817 changes according to your code.
www.poscope.com home of PoKeys USB HID, IO, USB, Ethernet controler and PoScope USB PC oscilloscope
Re: PWM Settings for Pokeys57CNC
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2016, 05:48:27 AM »
OK but it was the only way to test if pwm port works

what you mean with code
(Projekt Halterung_oben)
(Erstellt mit Estlcam Version 9 Build 9,011)
(Laufzeit ca. 00:00:17 Stunden)

(Benoetigte Werkzeuge:)
(Fraeser 3mm)
(Fraeser 6mm)

M03 S24000
G00 Z5.0000

(Nr. 1: Teil 1)
G00 X55.2071 Y6.2993
G00 Z0.5000
G01 Z-2.0000 F300 S24000
G03 X56.7071 Y7.8193 I-0.0001 J1.5002 F3000
G01 Y57.7993
G03 X55.1871 Y59.2993 I-1.5002 J-0.0001
G01 X5.2071
G03 X4.1310 Y58.8444 I0.0000 J-1.5000
G03 X3.7071 Y57.7793 I1.0768 J-1.0456
G01 Y7.7993
G03 X5.2271 Y6.2993 I1.5002 J0.0001
G01 X55.2071
G00 Z5.0000

(Nr. 2: Teil 2)
M00 (Wechsle Werkzeug: Fraeser 6mm)
G00 X97.0000 Y0.0000 Z5.0000
G00 Z0.5000
G01 Z0.0000 F300 S12000
G03 X98.3791 Y-2.5244 Z-1.5000 I3.0000 J0.0000
G02 X97.0000 Y0.0000 Z-3.0000 I1.6209 J2.5244
G03 X99.7878 Y-2.9925 I3.0000 J0.0000 F2000
G01 X150.0000 Y-3.0000
G03 X152.1521 Y-2.0901 I0.0000 J3.0000
G03 X153.0000 Y0.0200 I-2.1525 J2.0904
G01 Y50.0000

mach 3 shows the right spindle speed
but the spindle runs only at about 6000
Re: PWM Settings for Pokeys57CNC
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2016, 07:21:34 PM »

I Reinstall the PC with Win7 and Mach3 and Pokeys
now the Pokeys Config  port Mapping look a little bit other then bevor

Bevor i have many Ports with Not available
Now there are more Ports where i can select or config

but i dont know why

config in 17 like bevor
config the axis like bevor

and now it works
maybe i must only delete the pokeys config xml file in mach3 and the result is the same

spindle override did not work
but thats not so needed

thx Peter
Re: PWM Settings for Pokeys57CNC
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2016, 04:53:36 AM »

I test a little bit more
settings are
pin17, map to dro in %, dro817, 0.0414

pwm works with Pokeys Plugin v1
but not with v2 plugin

I try pokeys 4.2.6 beta and 4.2.6
both pwm didn't work

then I change the dll to v1 and all is perfect

are there needed other setting for v2


Offline NeoTO

  •  504 504
    • PoLabs
Re: PWM Settings for Pokeys57CNC
« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2016, 10:52:25 AM »
The PWM has been fixed in the latest plugin release.
www.poscope.com home of PoKeys USB HID, IO, USB, Ethernet controler and PoScope USB PC oscilloscope
Re: PWM Settings for Pokeys57CNC
« Reply #8 on: September 11, 2016, 11:45:07 AM »
yes i Know-how
in open a Ticket for the problem
but with the New plugin i have
jog Problems with Slave axis when i pausing
and Resümee the job
Re: PWM Settings for Pokeys57CNC
« Reply #9 on: September 11, 2016, 04:40:59 PM »
Short Update


Sorry but i am very angry
i test ´the v1 also unintentionally for the jog problem after long pausing or waiting
what i mean

i have a tilled project
120x60cm so aspire tilled the g-code
first part all thinks done
pausing for short tool change no problem
then go to safe z position

unmounting the workpiece set it to the second index pins clamp it
go to wc
say good night to my son
all that took about 15min

back to milling machine
load 2nd part of the workpiece
press start
spindle starts
move x and y to come to first location
stuck of first x then releas then second
thinks y is on position and destroy my workpiece because im not fast enough to get to the e-stop
and my z point has also moved

thats bull *********
the only think thats work after a long pause is to make pokeys powerless and also restart mach 3
and that i forgot this time
sorry but my gbrl card has not so many problems
i want a reliable milling machine
but i think i am the only one which use this *********
sorry for my words but when you lost a 80 euro wood plate because of this

i think when i have some money i change to smoothstepper
when  i took the money of the destroyed pokeys workpieces i already could  have buy one of this

a angry user