I am puzzled. I have a CNC system that was up and running(win 7) stable and was producing good work. I had to be away from it for some time and when I came back to boot up, the battery on the computer motherboard had drained. Of course that wiped any BIOS data and config that depended on it. My Mach3 communicates to a CNCrouterparts plug n play system via an ESS. When I replaced the battery and booted MACH3 loads but never gets to the "choose profile" screen. Another issue is it seems it doesn't detect the ESS. I ran the ESS config (program and manually) and it sees it. The ESS low level Link is active (Steady yellow light on ethernet port) but not connected to Mach (2 blinks upper green LED)
I'm stumped. Any ideas on things a dead bios battery may have caused to disrupt a stable system? Am I not seeing the forest for the trees?
RECAP. Mach program runs but never gets to "choose profile screen)
ESS seems to be configured correctly but no comm (which I am assuming is because Mach never gets to point of me choosing that profile.
Please help as Christmas Presents depend on this.
Thanks, Steven