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Author Topic: Need Help!- MKX-4 Mach3 don't work 4th axis  (Read 1865 times)

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Need Help!- MKX-4 Mach3 don't work 4th axis
« on: April 11, 2017, 03:53:49 PM »
I have a MKX-4 card. the 4th axis works only as slave. At any other options an axis of 4 stop.
Re: Need Help!- MKX-4 Mach3 don't work 4th axis
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2017, 10:22:29 PM »
I just received this drive and have found that the problem is with the fact  that these controllers will only control 3 drives at once.. X/Y/Z, X/A/Z but, not 4 physical axis can be used.. :( I do not believe there is an adjustment or fix that can be done..  *sorry*..